Last edited: 22 June 2018

Scheffler Community Kitchen reflectors used to cook various foods
Afghan Bedmoschk Solar Center e.V. (ABS) is an NGO with headquarters in Bad Krozingen, Germany. The association was founded by the end of 2004. ABS works in environmental protection, education and development aid in Afghanistan.
Therefore we carry out scientific lectures, translation of technical books into Afghan languages, installation of a centre/workshop for renewable energies, dissemination of solar products and training in the production of solar and other renewable technologies.
One of the priorities is the installation of a centre for renewable energies in the province of Wardak. The centre shall be used for the production of solar lanterns, small wind turbines, solar dryers for food, solar cookers, and solar hot water heaters.
At the same time the centre shall work on creating public awareness about the roll of renewable energies and protection of the environment.
It will serve as a training centre for the unemployed youth. We will give training in production, installation and maintenance of the equipment. This means the youth can learn a profession, earn a living and therefore gain a perspective in life.
As a result of the wars, wood is very scarce in Afghanistan. It is essential to create awareness about the environmental consequences. There is no teaching material about renewable energies in the Afghan languages. Most people can´t use English or German literature. We translate and provide such materials.
This model of development based on education and renewable energies shall later be replicated in other provinces of Afghanistan and in Kabul.
The association ABS is a non-profit organisation oriented to create welfare. The means of the association can only be used according to the statutes. The association is not bound to any political direction. Main aim is to contribute to the rebuilding of Afghanistan.
Additional tasks:
- Training of qualified afghan personnel in the field of reneweable energies, in cooperation with other organisations working in Afghanistan
- Addressing German and Afghan experts and organisations that are interested in contributing to the use of renewable energies in Afghanistan
- Creating international connections to Afghan experts and networks in the field of renewable energies
- Cooperation with Afghan experts and, if necessary, further training for them
To reach our aims we cooperate with other organisations or institutions for support or consultation as long as our independence is guaranteed.
[This text was borrowed from]
News and recent developments[]
Audio and video[]
- August 2009
- July 2006: Example of village development in Afghanistan based on Renewable energy - Sabur Achtari
See also[]
- Sabur Achtari
C/O: Dipl.-Ing. M.Sabur ACHTARI
Im Käppelefeld 37
79189 Bad Krozingen
Tel. +49 (0)763-3949-706
Email: contact page