Solar Cooking
Last edited: 9 February 2018      
N p21kee

Alex Kee is the inventor of the Solar Kettle-Thermos Flask (SK-TF), Solar Vacuum Tube Oven (SaVeTaO) and the PerSiST (Personal Solar Survival Tube).


  • September 2014: Alex was recently interviewed in Singapore Makers in the Meet a Maker feature. His green interests, including solar cooking, are varied.

Coming Soon...the SaVeTaO, the Solar Vacuum Tube Oven: a big diameter SK-TF that makes baking, cooking and autoclaving practical and viable, the ultimate PerSiST (Personal Solar Survival Tube) that will outlast the last drop of conventional fuel, so long as the Sun still Shines!

The SaVeTaO has a Outer Diameter/Inner Diameter dimension of 120mm/100mm, a good close to 4 inches diameter opening, that comfortably allows access to a full hand with great ease vis-a-vis the mere OD/ID of just 58mm/47mm of the current SK-TF.

The SaVeTaO can double up as a Tandoor Oven to bake Nan as well as to cook Pizza, because the stagnating temperature is a good 220C!

Watch this space for further exciting developments of the SaVeTaO!

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