Solar Cooking
Last edited: 15 February 2018      
Solar-cooker-design- akrao-small

Dr. Ashok Kundapur is by training a biologist with a doctorate in Applied Biology from University of Bombay. For 30 years he taught Biology and Zoology for undergraduates and has been retired since 2002. He is still active and trying to reach the public through articles in media on environmental protections, alternate energy sources, and related topics.

His deep concern for ever deteriorating environment diverted his attention to alternate sources of Energy. He wanted to fabricate a solar cooker for personal use, and his request to Volunteers in Technical Assistance, USA (VITA), and Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) resulted in receiving mountains of information. Later, he compiled the information and presented it as a review article in the year 1995 at a local conference. The review attracted the attention of TERI and they published it in their quarterly TIDE. Ms. Bev Blum of Solar Cookers International suggested that he put this important review on the net. Now SCI asked him to add the article to their portal in wikia. Earlier UNESCO has invited him to write a review on solar cookers for their online Encyclopedia EOLSS. The article is being scrutinized, prior to publication. These activities naturally have won him an acclaim as international solar cooker expert.

Apart from solar cookers, he is seriously involved with environmental protection and sustainable development, joining hands with other like minded people.

He is also interested in low cost solar water heaters, harnessing wave power, and muscle power. His latest fad however, is to evolve a Solar Electric Car, which would run at 120 kmph and cover at least 60 km through power derived from solar panels.

Please feel free to contact Dr Kundapur at, mentioning solar or solar cooker in the subject.

Ashok Kundapur is the author of the Compendium of solar cooker designs.


A Treatise Solar Cookers, Ashok Kundapur, 2-16-18 copy
  • February 2018: Dr. Ashok Kundapur has published his new book tracing the history of development and types of solar cookers. The twelve chapters cover history, technology, indirect cooking, heat retention, construction advice, and trending design approaches. Details and purchasing information...
  • January 2016: Dr. Ashok Kundapur presented a poster at the CONSOLFOOD 2016 conference.
  • December 2011: Dr Kundapur is now working on an innovative wave energy harnessing system which can produce grid interactive power of more than 100 MW.
  • July 2006: Proposal for New World Standard for Testing Solar Cookers - Ashok Kundapur

See also[]

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Dr. Ashok Kundapur, Ph.D., (Retd. Prof. of Biology)
Environment & Energy Activist

Kalashree, 1st Main,
7th Cross, Hayagreva Nagara,
Udupi - 576 102

Tel: 91-820-2575526