Solar Cooking
Last edited: 21 October 2015      
Bamboo solar cooker

The cooking pot (ideally inside a plastic bag) is placed on the center plate.

This is a Bamboo Solar Cooker which only costs $1 to make. Here is proof that solar cooking needn’t be an expensive affair. One of my readers Krishna - rkrao, kindly sent in the picture below showing the simplicity and beauty of a bamboo solar cooker. Here are Krishna’s notes for building such a simple and effective solar cooker.

Materials used:[]

And that’s it. In less than one minute of assembling parts which can be gathered in no time at all you can have your very own solar cooker. See I told you solar cooking wasn’t that difficult.

The bamboo solar cooker is a simpler version to that of the parabolic reflector.

Further information[]

Baskets are used in villages for carrying hay and other agricultural produce. Similar baskets made a little sturdily are used in urban areas to carry the bride in marriage ceremonies!

Food serving plates are made of thick paper/thin cardboard and upper surface is covered by a water resistant film of thin aluminium foil/silver coloured polythene.

Well-to-do families eat food on silver plates and use silver tumblers for drinking water even to-day (perhaps due to its antibacterial properties) and silver vessels are used in all auspicious occasions, so these plates are covered in silver film, good for us solar enthusiasts! These plates are available in all provision shops and can be as cheap as one Rupee.

For information on what to use for pots with this cooker see Solar cooking pots.

This cooker can also be used to kill pathogens and pasteurize drinking water by reaching only 65 °C (149 °F).

"This cooker with water in a vessel can be left in the sunny part of the backyard and the family can get safe water for cooking and drinking by evening."

(Text borrowed from