Last edited: 26 October 2023
Bernhard Müller
Bernhard Müller was Manager of Research and Development for Mueller Solartechnik in Offenheim, Germany. He is the inventor of the Pil Kaar, Kundu Kaar, Zèbre and Mata Hari solar cookers and modified the Primrose of Roger Bernard. Bernhard is a founding member of the Solar Cookers International Network, a member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), a member of International Solar Energy Society (ISES), a supporting member of EG-Solar e.V., and a board member of Lernen - Helfen - Leben e.V..
The solar cooker production ended in 2012 (retirement). As per November 2012 Bernhard Müller limits his activities to consulting, independent solar cookers tests and publication of information on solar cooking as well as traveling around the world helping with the introduction of solar cooking.
![Bernhard Müller attends workshop celebration, 10-26-23](
Bernhard Müller attends the workshop celebration at the completion of participant training, led by engineer Penina Nzioka. The handsome heat-retention baskets on display were assembled by the group, Photo credit: Penina Nzioka
- October 2023: A celebration at the completion of a successful integrated solar cooking workshop in Kenya’s Kwale district, led by the engineer Penina Nzioka, with coordination assistance from Bernhard Müller.
- February 2023: Bernhard Müller is stepping down from AfriShiners leadership position - Bernhard has let the community know February will be his last month at the helm. Rosemary Olive Mbone Enie will formally take over the leadership role of AfriShiners] in Kigali Rwanda. Rosemary is the current CEO of Salama Heritage Ecovillage (SHE) Africa. Please contact her at with AfriShiners questions.
- December 2022: In April 2022 Bernhard Müller made a video how to make a fireless cookers at Armstrong Women Empowerment Centre in Kisumu, Kenya under the leadership of Elva Rebecca "Beckie" Ondiek. It took two full days of intense work to make. The video was first published with German subtitles on YouTube. It took me a very long time to look for somebody to help me editing the video in English language. Eventually, Sara Hjalmarsson of Engineers Without Borders - Sweden (EWB-S) did this absolutely stunning work. The video is now available by clicking on the link: DIY Heat Retention Baskets - Fireless Cookers
![Bernhard Müller electrical layout for temperature test equipment, 8-23-22](
Electrical panel for the temperature probes, Photo credit: Bernhard Müller
- August 2022: Solar cooker temperature recording platform - In close cooperation with Mr. Ferdinand Bukunda Matabishi, an engineer from D.R. Congo, member of AfriShiners international network and Mr. Saliya Ruchiranga, a project development engineer from Sri Lanka, Bernhard has developed a temperature recording platform for recording up to 3 temperatures simultaneously. The system has an integrated LED which indicates once the temperature is above 65°C (149°F). Any interested party can request the code, a parts list and a wiring diagram by contacting
![Kiin solar dryer photo, 12-17-21](
The Kiin solar dryer Photo credit: Bernhard Müller
- December 2021: Kiin dryer design - Bernhard Müller is the designer of the Kiin, a compact and tested solar dryer. He has created the Kiin Solar Dryer manual to explain its functions and assembly. The dryer can be made with inexpensive materials and should be easy to build.
- July 2019: The Solar Tunnel Dryer Type Kisumu - Bernhard Müller
- March 2018: AfriShiners workshop coming in June - Hosted by the Giving Hope Foundation, will be the 2nd international workshop on clean cooking and food processing. The event organizer and Lernen - Helfen - Leben e.V. board member, Bernhard Müller, will be on hand with the Baba Moto improved combustion stove, and will be speaking on energy management. He can be reached at Faustine Odaba leads a workshop on fireless cookers. Visit to a local solar stove testing facility. Preliminary Program information...
- January 2018: Bernhard Müller has released the handbook for the design of his new Baba Moto improved combustion wood stove. Baba Moto improved combustion wood stove - (English version)
![Muller1 11-17](
Photo credit: Bernhard Müller
- November 2017: Bernhard Müller of Lernen - Helfen - Leben e.V. held a 2-day solar cooking workshop at the Korando Education Centre in Kisumu County, Kenya. Topics included the use of solar cookers, heat-retention cooking, thermodynamics, optics, thermoelectrical generators (TEGs), gasifiers, health issues related to traditional cookstoves, the Uridu anti-poverty campaign, and the use of a WAPI. The intra-African coordination for the event was done by Faustine Odaba and the local coordination was done by John Amayo. The solar cookers used in the workshop were Sharon Clausson’s Copenhagen Solar Cooker Light, One Earth Designs' SolSource, a TWR box cooker of 1994, Kenyan made CooKit panel cookers, a LightOven of Hartmut Ehmler, and a funnel cooker designed by Bernhard Müller.
- April 2017: Bernhard Müller has been elected as board member of the German development aid organisation Lernen - Helfen - Leben e.V.
- March 2016: Bernhard Müller has written an excellent explanation of how fuel-efficient gasifier stoves work and are constructed. See: Gasifiers
- November 2014: Bernhard Müller started a fundraiser at to support seminars and workshops directed at the use and production of fireless cookers for the Kenyan NGOs NAREWAMA and FOTO."
- October 2014: Bernie Müller is working on the development of a counter-current solar food dryer which saves 50% on space and materials compared to common solar tunnel dryers. Involved in the development are Faustine Odaba of NAREWAMA, John Amayo of SURE, Prof. Wilson Ogola of the Technical University of Kenya as well as some experts from Uganda. NAREWAMA has also appointed Bernhard Müller as their Technical coordinator for Europe.
- April 2014: Bernie Müller describes his latest approach for measuring the aperture openings, or solar collection area, for solar cookers here: Explanations of the Aperture Area - Bernhard Müller
- September 2013: Bernie Müller invented the Jar-in-Jar heat trap and gave some of them to NGOs in Kenya. Learn more about this in the Wiki-rubrics Glazing and Solar cooking pots.
![Mueller Solartechnik Fresnel test cooker, 1-2-13](
TFC (Twin Fresnel Cooker)
- December 2012: Bernie Müller has published findings based on his experimentation with a twin Fresnel lens solar cooker. This cooker was never meant to be a production prototype, and his company, Müller Solartechnik, no longer manufactures solar cookers. As an engineering exercise, he has shown that incorporating the Fresnel lens produces quite high temperatures: 278 °C (532 °F). However, the usable cooking area is small.
- November 2012: Bernie Müller finished the solar cookers manufacturing activities and limited the business to consulting, designs of new cookers, publication of various brochures and independent solar cookers tests.
- November: 2022: A German language document explaining the interaction of the microprocessor controlled temperature recording unit "Baba Moto STRU" with a fireless cooker. The sketches show the temperature decay for content, outside of the fireless cooker and the ambient temperature for a basket style and a bag type fireless cooker. - Bernhard Müller
- December 2021: Kiin Solar Dryer - Bernhard Müller
- March 2021: Solar Dryers - Basic Compendium - Bernhard Müller
- 2020: Solar Cabinet Dryer - Bernhard Müller
- July 2019: The Solar Tunnel Dryer Type Kisumu - Bernhard Müller
- November 2016: Food drying attachment for solar panel cookers - Bernhard Müller
- July 2016: Solar food processing in Eastern Africa – a summary - Bernhard Müller
- October 2015: Presentation: Tabula rasa - Ein Drama in vier Sätzen - Bernhard Müller
- Die Parabel, Brochure (German), 36 pages, ISBN 978-3-8442-4131-0, epubli GmbH, Berlin
- Das Solarkocher-Handbuch, 240 pages, ISBN 978-3-8442-4471-7, epubli GmbH, Berlin (Preview)
Audio and video[]
- October 2023: Making A Fireless Cooker for Retained Heat Cooking
- December 2014:
- July 2014:
See also[]
- Solar food drying
- AfriShiners
- Lernen - Helfen - Leben e.V.
- Faustine Odaba
- Pil Kaar
- Zèbre
- Primrose
- Kundu Kaar
- Kiin
Bernhard Müller
Mühlstraße 26
65760 Eschborn
Twitter: @yogibernd