Solar Cooking
Last edited: 18 May 2017      
Claudia sansone1

Claudia Sansone (right)

Claudia Sansone got involved in solar cooking after meeting Solar Cookers International board members Arline J. Lederman and Patricia McArdle at the United Nations' Commission on the Status on Women in 2012 and 2013. Reading McArdle's book Farishta convinced Claudia that solar cooking could augment her work in Malawi. She has since worked to introduce solar cooking to women's organizations and early childhood development groups in there.

In 2015, Claudia established United Village Transformation (UVT) to support rural villages in Malawi with education, agriculture, and medical resources. UVT also provides solar cooking kits and training to the villages where they work in order to promote safe and healthy cooking.

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See United Village Transformation.