Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
Last edited: 20 December 2021      
SCI map

Add your project to this map.

Solar cooking contributes to long-term progress from cleaner, more efficient, sustainable cooking solutions worldwide. It is crucial to convey the positive health, economic, and environmental impacts of solar cooking to government agencies and other stakeholders. To help build this case, Solar Cookers International (SCI) is reaching out to all solar cooking partners. SCI invites your input in the form of data on baseline information, number and type of solar cookers, number of years of the project, location, outcomes, etc. With your help, we can work to include solar-thermal cooking in national energy and sustainability plans. You provide:

  • Number of solar cookers
  • Type
  • Location
  • Time period
  • Distributed
  • Sold
  • Manufactured

Submit your solar cooking data by filling out the simple form on the Solar Cookers International website or email Please submit to SCI by 1 June 2017.

See also[]