Last edited: 28 May 2019
The E&S Solar Oven is easily put together from materials found around the house or purchased locally; its inexpensive. No skills are needed to assemble it. It's easy to use just place on the ground, aim the mirrors and leave it until the food is cooked or the bread in done.
- A tub or a box is needed to hold everything.
- A plastic tub used to mix sand or to hold clothes can be used...or a small wooden box can be constructed if one wishes.
- Fill the box with old clothes, old towels or blankets-they will insulate the cooking vessels.
- You will need to cooking pans or pots that are black or dark grey in the inside and fit easily into each other. They can be square round, or whatever, as long as they fit together well. You need two pieces of glass 5 or 6 mil thickness that fit the cooking pots and are slightly larger - glass does not need to be tempered.
- Use paper clips to fasten the glass to the cooking pots-use many clips to make sure the seal is as airtight as possible. A thermometer helps, but is not necessary.
- Place the two pans in the tub and place old clothes all around making sure the cooking assembly is well insulated.
- Set the assembled cooker outside. The long direction in line with the morning sun.
- The mirror facing east should be vertical and the mirror facing south should have a slight slope as shown (maybe 15 degrees of the vertical).
- Set it out in the morning, before 10 AM, so the food is cooked by 2 PM. Does not need to be moved. Baking Bread requites minor adjustments to account for the moisture.