Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
Last edited: 24 May 2023      
Fatona Waluya headshot, 5-25-23

Fatona Waluya

Fatona Waluya is a solar cooking enthusiast and designer living in Indonesia. He is passionate about educating fellow citizens in Indonesia who are struggling economically but still ignore simple solutions possible with technology.

I hope someday we can help the world from poverty through technology, education and politics, and we can be self-sufficient people who can prepare from something unplanned, especially natural disasters that can happen easily and often in Indonesia. His YouTube channel addresses some of these concerns.


Kompor Surya, Fantoa, 5-24-23

DIY parabolic solar cooker Photo credit: Fatona Waluya

  • May 2023: Fatona recently reported last year he made his first DIY parabolic solar cooker from a satellite communications dish and reflective adhesive-backed sheets. He made the metal framework for the dish and pot holder. More recently, he designed and made a solar box oven.
Image credit: Fatona Waluya

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Fatona Waluya