Solar Cooking
Last edited: 28 February 2012      
Foldable Fusion Cooker, 2-28-12

The Foldable Fusion Cooker

The Foldable Fusion Cooker is the latest solar panel cooker variation from designer Teong Tan. He writes:

"It is common practice for the refugees who solar cook in Africa to tie their CooKits to rocks with strings as well as placing ricks in the flat surfaces of their CooKits to prevent them from being blown away by strong gusts of wind.

Learning from the refugees, I have incorporated a string into the new Fusion Cooker design. The string helps in forming the shape of the cooker while the free ends of the string can be used to tie the cooker down. The shadow of the string, which falls on the inside of the cooker, acts as a visual guide in positioning of the cooker to the best pitch angle to capture the sunlight. Once removed, the string can be used to tie the folded cooker for storage or transportation.

A simple cardboard wedge is placed inside the cooker to keep the cooking pot as horizontal as possible when the cooker is repositioned to a different pitch angle.

When not in use, the cooker can be folded in half, 36" x 18" x 0.5"(91cm x 45.5cm x 1.5cm), for storage or in quarter, 18" x 18" x 1"(45.5cm x 45.5cm x 2.5cm), for transportation." - Teong Tan, Feb. 2012

Constructing the cooker starts with a cube shaped cardboard box, that has a side dimension equal to twice the diameter of the cook pot to be used. Read more about assembly below.

Foldable Fusion Cooker box illustration, 2-28-12

Construction plans[]

Foldable Fusion Cooker cooking angles, 2-28-12

See also[]


See Teong Tan.