Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
Last edited: 13 May 2016      

Note that this page emphasizes ideas for solar low-tech tracking methods that could be built with materials available in developing countries.

Main article: Solar tracking

See Tracking Solar Accumulating Barbecue].

800by566Water Based Solar Tracker Diagram

Brian White's diagram of the dripper tracker which is potentially a highly accurate waterclock. Graphic by Mike Murphy.

SimpleSolarTracking's design for a simple system to reposition a solar cooker automatically while unattended.


]Tracking mechanism that uses the hour hand of a clock to control the turning of a solar cooker

Solar Water Clock Drive

A plan for a solar water clock drive submitted by

Solar Oven Repositing Device V1-0

Solar oven repositioning device designed by Jeff Monaco. Tom Sponheim suggested using wax melting instead to remove the need for a magnifying glass.

SolarOvenRepositingDevice V2-0

Tom Sponheim suggested using wax melting instead to remove the need for a magnifying glass


A revolving base can be made using golfballs.

Gimp equa float pistons

Provisionally called liquid piston tracker

Von Oppen tracking diagram

The Von Oppen system uses a half filled bottle to act as a floating piston, which drops when the water is slowly drained from the reservoir.

See also[]