Solar Cooking
Last edited: 26 April 2024      
Johan van wyk

Johan van Wyk is the founder of SunGenius Built-in Solar Ovens. He lives in Pretoria, South Africa. Johan and his farm manager Gys, also a longtime solar cook, decided that they had had enough of portable solar cookers: solar cooking from the comfort of the inside of the house was not negotiable. Gys's wife Magrieta made them take this last ever picture of her having to cook in a portable solar oven in her life.

Mobile solar oven

They believe that solar cooking can effectively become a commonly used household appliance, if the leaders in the industry will just listen to the specific needs of the end user. If anyone asks about a wall oven, the solar cooking gurus still offer the 40-year-old wall oven designed and built by Barbara Kerr, as if the Model T Ford should still be the best vehicle for the modern family.

The SunGenius Built-in Solar Oven just received the green light for international patententing and is already on a journey of providing its customers an affordable, convenient, and stylish household appliance of the highest quality.

All designs[]


Johan & Ericka Van Wyk -- Hybrid Solar SunGenius- Convenient Day or Night, Rain or Shine Cooking-2

See also[]


Johan van Wyk


Skype: karooklong1