Last edited: 17 August 2014
The Kapok-Cooking Basket uses trapped energy in a fuel saving fashion. This fine wool from trees insulate best. Temperature will be close to 100°C even after some hours. Fireless cooking has to be stopped by lifting the cushion on top. Use an indicator-watch to mark the typ of food loaded and the time of beginning to learn quick without releasing heat in vain. Most food gets ready without reheating a second time. Time es extended only by 10-30%, if basket got heated before by bottles of water or by the sun. Use black cloth of cotton to cover the mixture of a few hands full of hay, mixed in kapok-wool, to ensure a firm structure. Destroy all balls of pressed wool before. Kapok-peelings are mixed in under the heavy pot. A high sack is possible too, if it is used inside to keep the wool in position. Solar Preheating in transparent bottles, stored in some kapok-baskets, help to reduce the time of cooking till boiling-point. Fuel-wood is reduced to a quarter and less, if you invest in a Mbaula-stove and in a wooden lid-box, to keep hot smoke of a small fire all round your pot for some time till it is garded to a chimney of bricks. One box will keep 3-4 bottles lying on a black kapok-pillow, exposed to the sun. (Boxes are used to file up food and as a chair as well.) The whole system is very light; it does not adsorb much energy. If firm stones are heated up and stored under bread (or other food) in a 15 cm-Kapok-capsel, is gets baked too -fireless. Solar heating till 75°C is more economical than 180°C. Meat should be cooked very sweet for some houres under 100 °C. Stored energy is the cheepest sustainable energy. Try and multiply. What a nice present for weeding! Relatives will put an eye on, to push better ideas. is offering more details, if common sense is available!
Hermann Determeyer, Ing agr.