Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
Last edited: 30 November 2022      
Kiin solar dryer, Müller, 1-7-22

The Kiin solar dryer is available for purchase through Solar Brother. Photo credit: Bernhard Müller

Kiin solar dryer photo, 12-17-21

The Kiin solar dryer (self-constructed) Photo credit: Bernhard Müller

Kiin solar food dryer, Uganda, 8-29-22

The Kiin solar dryer bing used in Uganda with AfriShiners, Photo credit: Bernhard Müller

The Kiin is a compact and tested solar dryer designed by Bernhard Müller, and will be available in August 2022 for purchase through Solar Brother, his partner company in France.

The commercial dryer will come in three different versions: 1. with natural draft, 2. with photovoltaic cell powered fan and 3. with thermo-element to control the fan.

Bernhard also has construction instructions available for a simpler version. He created a manual for the Kiin solar dryer to explain its functions and assembly. The dryer can be made with inexpensive materials and should be easy to build.

Kiin section schematic, 1-7-22

Kiin schematic showing air flow


Kiin solar dryer version by Juan Antonio Marín Pacheco, Chilean version, 11-30-22

Kiin solar dryer version by Juan Antonio Marín Pacheco, Chilean version, Photo credit: Juan Antonio Marín Pacheco

  • November 2022: Bernhard Müller has passed along a photo of a Kiin "Chilean version" variation by Juan Antonio Marín Pacheco, with multiple drying drawers at the top level.