Solar Cooking
Last edited: 28 November 2017      
Louise Meyer 2008

Louise Meyer

Louise Meyer is the Solar Household Energy, Inc. (SHE) Project Manager for EPA’s Partnership for Clean Indoor Air’s pilot project in Mexico researching solar cookers and smoke inhalation. Ms. Meyer also managed the World Bank’s Development Marketplace grant for the SHE HotPot Initiative in Mexico.

Her interest in solar cooking began 20 years ago developing small business enterprises in Ivory Coast for the International Labor Organization. She later gained field experience as a volunteer trainer for Solar Cookers International in refugee camps. She co-designed and launched the website Ms. Meyer holds an MA in French and German Language and Literature and spent many years teaching. She obtained a graduate degree in International Development from the African Institute in Geneva, Switzerland.


Louise Meyer and Regina Benjaminto 2, SHE, 11-21-12

Louise Meyer, of Solar Household Energy, demonstrates solar cooking to the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjaminto.

  • November 2012: Solar Household Energy has again had a busy summer and fall. Louise Meyer provided solar cooking demonstrations, including to the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjaminto, and assisted the Nature Conservancy in Haiti to teach the Integrated Cooking Method as part of its larger reforestation program in the region. It is exciting and encouraging to see organizations such as SHE taking the promotion of solar cooking the next step, to increased global awareness. Read more about their efforts...
Culinary Institute of Africa Sudan 2008

Students at the Culinary Institute of Africa can add another skill to their resume: solar cook

  • March 2008: Louise Meyer reports on a group of internally displaced persons that are students at the Culinary Institute of Africa. As part of their curriculum they are learning how to solar cook. Meyer sent photographs of several students taking “Masters of Solar Cooking” classes at the Institute’s school in Juba, Sudan. Based in Lokichoggio, Kenya, the non-profit Culinary Institute of Africa is a community service division of the AFEX Group, which provides a number of management and catering services to camps throughout Kenya, Sudan, and elsewhere. The Institute began in 2004 when Terry Light, chief operating officer of AFEX, asked Nancy Crooks to train local Turkana with skills that could gain them employment at various camps and other institutions in the region. With technical assistance from Solar Cookers International (SCI), Crooks was able to incorporate solar cooker use and construction into the curriculum. The Institute offers an accredited, professional culinary education leading to a diploma in food production. SCI also provided training services and helped Crooks secure funding from the Lift Up Africa organization for a solar cooker project to teach Turkana women how to make and use solar cookers, heat-retention devices, and Water Pasteurization Indicators (WAPIs), as well as start a small solar cooker shop.


Articles in the media[]

Audio and video[]

  • July 2014:

Meyer, Brock National and international advocacy efforts 2014 and beyond


Why Solar Cooking - Solar Household Energy

September 2011: Louise Meyer makes the case for solar cooking.


Solar Cooker Project

March 2008: Louise Meyer and Patricia McArdle explain how Solar Cookers work.


Solar Oven Revolution! -

March 2007: Louise Meyer narrates this video about the work of SHE in Mexico.

External links[]

See also[]


Ms. Louise Meyer
3327 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20010

Tel: +1 202-328-6834

Skype ID: louise.meyer74