Last edited: 5 February 2024
Lytefire Solar Concentrator
Lytefire is the humanitarian branch of Solar Fire Concentration, a social enterprise based in Tampere, Finland.
Solar Fire Concentration spreads Lytefire solar ovens mainly by working with NGOs. A few French entrepreneurs have adopted Lytefire 5 Deluxe to power their activity, such as the solar bakery NeoLoco in Normandy.
Our Mission[]
Lytefire's mission is to eradicate energy poverty and minimize the damage of climate change by breaking down the barriers to solar energy access. Through innovative design and a focus on accessibility we are overcoming the cost and complexity barriers currently limiting global viral deployment of solar thermal technologies in humanitarian, commercial and industrial contexts. All the tools and materials needed to implement solar thermal technologies are already produced and stocked en masse around the world; the world is ready.
Our Tech[]
Lytefire technologies are high power solar concentrators built with off-the-shelf materials available everywhere in the world. To learn more about our technologies. visit
- March 2024: International Women's Day appreciation - A founder of Lytefire, Eva Wissenz, expresses her gratitude for achieving greater gender equality within their organization and with the people they serve. She worked for a decade within a masculine team, and like any other sister, she brought that experience and her personal family patterns as well, to the more or less patriarchal expected directives coming from education and society. For a long time she thought that ours was a "women's project" but it's not true. All successes come from the right cooperation between empowered women and empowered men. Solar cooking has created a release from many mundane tasks usually performed by women, and has provided a way to find opportunities to advance the way of life for themselves and their families. Eva has provided some photos of some of the women who have benefited from the introduction to solar cooking.

A new entrepreneur prepares her wares for sale - Photo Credit:
- April 2021: Creating Solar Entrepreneurs with Solar Energy - has packaged a summary of their experiences and methods using their Lytefire solar products to create business opportunties for economically disadvantaged, but motivated new entrepreneurs. Learn more about their program...
- November 2019: Community bakery - reports that one of their solar array cookers, first put into use in 2017 in the Kisumu area, in Kenya is still in use. It was later transferred to Friends of Ndere, a very active baking community, which already had a GoSol concentrator. In spite of this being one an early pilot unit, they are still using this unit to bake bread. More information...

GoSol has introduced a community solar oven in Gulu, Uganda. - Photo credit: GoSol
- October 2018: Community solar baking oven commissioned in Gulu - A new solar array style oven has been installed by Lorin Symington of GoSol reports the new oven is capable of baking 30-35 kg of bread per day. GoSol has trained 12 local youths from Smart-up Factory, a local NGO, in operating the oven. More information...

Muhammad Hassaan, an engineering student from Pakistan builds a solar concentrator as part of his final school project. -
- July 2015: Muhammad Hassaan, an engineering student from Pakistan, builds a solar concentrator as part of his final school project. With help from two other teammates, they have designed a hybrid solar and biomass power generation system. Read more...
See also[]
Articles in the media[]
- January 2022: ENQUÊTE #2 À LA RENCONTRE DE NEOLOCO - (English version)
- May 2016: GoSol is building the direct solar economy with its solar concentrator - treehugger
- June, 2015: How solar thermal curbs pollution and improves health, interview with Lorin Symington -
Audio and video[]
- June 2021:
- June 2017:
- May 2017:
- October 2015: