Solar Cooking
Last edited: 5 December 2014      
This article is about an entity that either no longer exists or that may no longer be active in solar cooking promotion. It is retained here for archival purposes.

Marco A. Flores, a researcher, helped organize a major Latin American solar conference in 2001 and presented his publications. From 2000 - 2004, Professor Flores worked on designing a hybrid solar cooker. He then shifted his work to a double-reflector Fresnel concentrator [community solar cooker]. In 2014, he worked with his physics students to test different solar cooker designs and created a class at the National Autonomous University of Honduras called Energy and Climate Change.


Prof. Marco A. Flores
Seccion De Energia, Dept. Fisica
Universidad Nacional Autonoma
A.P. U8769
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
