Last edited: 20 June 2024
Featured international events[]
- 12-14 March 2025 (Bridgetown, Barbados): Sustainable Energy for All Global Forum - Building on Prime Minister Mottley’s Bridgetown Initiative for the reform of development finance, the Forum will address the challenge of how we can mobilize sufficient finance on the right terms to meet global goals, especially for the most underserved communities, countries and regions – such as Small Island Developing States. The event wil be co-hosted by Sustainable Energy for All and the Government of Barbados, led by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. Project site visits will take place Friday, 14 March. More information...
- NEW: CONSOLFOOD 2025, 5-7 May 2025, (Marseille, France) - Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing The gathering expects to attract, once again, top experts from all over the world to present and discuss topics related to advances in solar food processing and solar cooking. An exhibition of solar cookers will be available for viewing during the conference at the nearby the solar restaurant Le Présage. The solar restaurant, along with the demonstration cookers, will produce a solar lunch. The whole conference program will be delivered in hybrid format, so those who register, but are not present at Marseille, will be able to participate online. Contact Celestino Ruivo at for more information. The expected conference fee is 200 euros before 1 April 2025. Interested people facing financial difficulties should contact the organizing committee.
Online events[]

- NEW: (EVENT) Monday, 24 February 2025 (9:15am-10:15am PT, 12:15pm-13:15pm ET, 20:15-21:15 EAT, 17:15-18:15 UTC): Global Makers - Meet Didacus Pius Odhiambo, the CEO of Farmers with a Vision in Bumala, Kenya. He will discuss the Jiko Kisasa improved combustion stove and the Integrated Cooking Method. The event is hosted by Makerspace, Sacramento City College in California, USA, and the Solar Education Project. Preregister with the QR code on the poster or at: Global Makers Zoom registration. Q&A with audience.
- See also: Global Calendar of Events and past events in Montenegro
The history of solar cooking in Montenegro[]
- Main article: History of solar cooking
Archived articles
Climate, culture, and special considerations[]
Located in the continent of Europe. Montenegro covers 13452.00 square kilometers of land and has a population of 657,000. Number of sunshine hours on the coast is 2500, and Ulcinj has 2700 hours of sunshine annually. Thus there is is great potential for solar cooking.
See also[]
Possible funding[]
Articles in the media[]
Audio and video[]
- February 2022:
Web pages[]
The entities listed below are either based in Montenegro or have initiated solar cooking projects there:
SCI Associates[]
- Main article: Solar Cookers International Association