Solar Cooking
Last edited: 4 November 2019      

Visit the United Nations NDC Registry

As of November 2019, 184 countries have submitted Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations as part of the Voluntary National Review process for the United Nations Framework for the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Nationally Determined Contributions can create transformational change in a nation’s household energy plan by including clean, sustainable cooking targets. Over 3 billion people cook with biomass fuel (wood, charcoal, animal waste). Many NDCs include LPG in fuels goals; however, LPG is not a clean, sustainable cooking fuel, and continues the dependence on fossil fuels that contribute to climate change. This increases pressures on climate change adaptation and mitigation actions.

Solar thermal cooking is appropriate, accessible energy technology. These no-emission cooking technologies break the cycle of energy poverty. They are both adaptive and mitigating. They support a transition to clean, sustainable cooking.

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