Last edited: 23 July 2015
The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air has now merged with the Clean Cooking Alliance.
The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PCIA), which has now merged with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, was launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in September 2002 to address the increased environmental health risk faced three billion people who burn traditional biomass fuels indoors for cooking and heating. This voluntary Partnership brings together governments, public and private organizations, multilateral institutions, industry, and others to increase the use of affordable, reliable, clean, efficient, and safe home cooking and heating practices.
The mission of the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air was to improve health, livelihood and quality of life by reducing exposure to air pollution, primarily among women and children, from household energy use.
Between 2002 and 2012, 590 Partner organizations joined together through the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air to contribute their resources and expertise to reduce smoke exposure from cooking and heating practices in households around the world. This collaborative effort was focused on four essential elements of effective and sustainable household energy and health programs:
- Meeting the needs of local communities for clean, efficient, affordable and safe cooking and heating options
- Improving cooking technologies, fuels and practices for reducing indoor air pollution
- Developing commercial markets for clean and efficient technologies and fuels
- Monitoring and evaluating the health, social, economic and environmental impact of household energy interventions
As part of PCIA's integration with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the resources that were produced over the past 10 years of the Partnership are still accessible on this website. However, the content will no longer be updated as of June 1, 2012. Groups who wish to join this international partnership are encouraged to become a member of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. If you were not a PCIA Partner, but would like to join the mailing list to receive communications about future Winrock International / U.S. EPA capacity building and technical assistance activities, please email
- July 2015: Winrock and U.S. EPA Training Opportunity: Measuring and Understanding Household Stove Use The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and Winrock International (Winrock) have announced a call for applications for Measuring and understanding household clean cookstove use, the next in our series of trainings and testing opportunities related to field-based stove performance monitoring. Applications due by August 5, 2015.
- June 2012: The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air officially merges with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
- February 2012: Partnership for Clean Indoor Air has posted webinar information on using Gold Standard Methodology with carbon credits. Read more...
- September 2010: Apply for a Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PICA) award to gain global recognition for your program's program's innovative approaches and outstanding results. Entry deadline is November 22, 2010, and awards are to be presented during the 5th Biennial PCIA Forum in Lima, Peru. Apply for an award
Articles in the media[]
- January 2012: Partnership for Clean Indoor Air(PCIA) Bulletin #29 The issue focuses on the fuel side of the improved stoves equation, with an in depth discussion of charcoal and briquettes.
- September 2010: EPA supports new initiative to address cookstoves.- EPA
- January 2010: Issue #22 of the PCIA Bulletin from the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air is dedicated to the role that solar cooking can play in reducing indoor air pollution.
- Household air pollution
See also[]
External links[]
The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air has merged with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves:
- See Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves