- Past events (Online events)
- Past events (of worldwide interest)
- Past events (Awards and grants)
- Past events (Requests for proposal)
- Past events (Countries A-F)
- Past events (Countries G-L)
- Past events (Countries M-R)
- Past events (Countries S-Z)
- (EVENT) Saturday, 21 September 2024 (2:00pm PT, 10pm CET, 11:00pm in South Africa) Sustaining Solar Cooking in Africa, with Jim La Joie - The Free and Open University of Eco-Sustainability presents Jim La Joie, the creator of the All Season Solar Cooker, to speak at their facebook page. He will speak about the different types of solar cookers, and the key aspects of successful solar cooking initiatives worldwide. Open to all, the link to the presentation is: https://web.facebook.com/share/mVWpDmK8JiT58huh/
- (EVENT) Monday, 9 September 2024 (12:15pm EDT, 9:15am PDT, 4:15pm UTC) Global Makers Virtual Event with Ivan Yaholnitsky - Ivan is director of the Bethel Business and Community Development Centre in Lesotho. The Centre strives to educate with a focus on authentic learning in areas of sustainability such as earth systems science, renewable energy, and permaculture. For the Global Makers' Project, Ivan and his students showed us how they construct an evacuated tube box cooker. Hosted by Riad Bahur, Jennifer Gasser, Mary Buchenic, and Grace Rono. Registration for this Zoom event... or use the QR code in the image.
- Webinar: Thursday, 29 August 2024 (4:00pm - 5:30pm CEST, 10am - 11:30am EST) The W.H.O. presents: The research landscape of household air pollution, clean energy access, and health in Rwanda - This webinar aims to take stock of household air pollution and clean household energy intervention studies in Rwanda and facilitate knowledge exchanges and collaboration opportunities among decision-makers, researchers, and professionals. All are welcome. Zoom registration...
- Wednesday, 10 July 2024, (9:00am -10:30am PT, 12:00pm-1:30pm ET, 4:00pm-5:30pm UT) Join Solar Cookers International (SCI) at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development - SCI and featured guest panelists will highlight how initiatives at all levels, from grassroots projects to global advocacy, help expedite the SDGs and how language in a Voluntary National Review can create an enabling environment for scaling solar cooking. Advocates from diverse regions where solar cooking can be most effective, like Togo and Liberia, will spotlight the importance of clean cooking solutions like solar cooking and interlinkages to the SDGs. The event is free, Zoom registration...
- Thursday, 2 May 2024 (10am PDT, 1pm EDT, 19:00 CET, 20:00 East Africa Time): GLOBAL MAKERS Virtual Event: Interviewing solar cooking advocates - Guests, Bernhard Müller and Elva Rebecca Ondiek, discuss clean cooking efforts, and working toward a sustainable future. Scan QR code on poster for registration information (click image to increase size if neccessary). This presentation is a collaboration by: Solar Education Project, Sacramento City College Global Studies, and Makerspace.
- Thursday, 18 April 2024 (2:30pm-3:15pm EDT), (Washington, D.C., USA): ESMAP Spring Meetings Knowledge Café: Clean Cooking at the Heart of Energy Access - Join ESMAP for this exciting knowledge-sharing opportunity, which will showcase the role of clean cooking as a key part of energy access and energy transition. Presentations by René van Hell, Director of Inclusive Growth, Ministry of Foreign Affair, Netherlands, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella Chairman, Presidential Initiative on Climate, Renewable Energy and Food Security, Sierra Leone, and Chandrasekar Govindarajalu, Practice Manager, ESMAP, World Bank. In-person attendance at World Bank Atrium, MC Front Lobby is for Spring Meetings registrants only. However, you can watch the event online
- Thursday, 14 March 2024 (9:30am -11:00am PDT/ 12:30pm -2:00pm EDT/ 16:30-18:00 UTC): United Nations NGO Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Forum: - Solar Cookers International representatives, along with social organization women leaders from Kenya and Sudan, will be speaking about solar cooking's potential to empower women while alleviating climate change. Zoom registration for this event
- Tuesday, 12 March 2024: (9:30 PDT/12:30pm EDT/ 19:30 EAT/ 4:30pm UTC): Harnessing Solar Power for a Path Out of Poverty - United Nations NGO Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Forum: - Solar Cookers International Vice President, Ruth Holton-Hodson, will be joined by Sarah M. Baird from Let there be Light, and Caroline Mwebaza, with Solar Health Uganda, to discuss how solar power can decrease poverty on a global scale and lessen the impact of CO2 to our climate. Zoom registration for this event
- Webinar: Thursday, 13 July 2023, 7pm PDT: Staying Cool This Summer: Part Two: Cooking with a Sun Oven - Eco-author and editor Lorraine Anderson is on a mission to show that just about anyone can cook delicious meals outdoors all summer long in a solar cooker they make or buy. Register for this free webinar.
- Zoom Forum: Earth-Wide Solar Cooking Forum Online Saturday 10 June 2023, 10am Central Daylight Time (CDT): Cooking with the new window-mounted- SOLA Solar Cooker 1. Prof. BK Chakravarthy has a conversation with Luther Krueger. The Zoom link...
- Saturday, 3 June 2023, 2-4 pm PDT: Open University of Eco-Sustainability - Solar Cooking & Organic Agriculture at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in northern Kenya to be live on Facebook. More information to join the presentation...
- Saturday 20 May 2023, 10am Central time USA (CST): Earth-Wide Solar Cooking Forum Online with Marco Bernardo - Marco has applied DIY toward turning problems to solutions. He goes from redeeming plastic from its suspect origins, to being a key player in cleaning up the planet and meeting the demand for materials in the making of solar cookers. Email museum@bigbluesun.net to be added to the Forum announcement list. The Zoom link for his conversation with Luther Krueger
- Zoom Forum: Saturday, 15 April 2023 9am CDT, and Sunday, 16 April 2023 7:00pm CDT*. Tune in for another Earth-Wide Online Solar Cooking Forum - Luther Krueger will be talking with author Lorraine Anderson. She will discuss her new book, Slow Cook Solar, to be released on Earth Day, 22 April. Zoom link, ID: 899 7856 6353, . * Time zone information
- 4 April 2023 (9pm EDT): PBS American Experience - PBS is presenting a retrospective on the life of Mária Telkes, noted engineer and innovator in the field of solar sustainable design during the fifties. More information...
- Webinar: Monday, 3 April 2023 14:45 - 17:00 (Lisbon time, GMT) 6:45 am -9 am (PST): 9th CONSOLFOOD Webinar: Solar Baking - NeoLoco is a solar bakery in Normandy, France, offering local roasted seeds and baked goods. The founder is Arnaud Crétot, an experienced solar baker who has traveled the planet to study various alternative energy solutions. He will lead the webinar, which is to be presented in English. Registration is free but required, send email to Celestino Ruivo at cruivo@ualg.pt to reserve a spot. Review the 9th CONSOLFOOD webinar poster
- Zoom Forum: Saturday, 25 March 2023 9am CST (GMT-5) Tune in for the 2nd newly launched Earth-Wide Online Solar Cooking Forum. Luther Krueger will be talking with Maarten Olthof, chairman of the Vajra Foundation Holland. Maarten has worked on one of the most comprehensive promotion and distribution of solar cookers in Nepal. Email Luther for the Zoom link, as logins for the Forum are limited: Museum@BigBlueSun.net
- Webinar: Wednesday, 8 March 2023 9am – 10:30am (PST) 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST) 17:00 – 18:30 (UTC): Empowering women and girls through solar cooking - Solar Cookers International representatives along with other solar cooking advocates will speak at the United Nations NGO Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) webinar. Hear first-hand accounts of solar cooking initiatives empowering women. Speakers include:
- SCI Executive Director Caitlyn Hughes
- SCI Program and Science Director Alan Bigelow, Ph.D.
- SCI Strategic Partnerships Manager Keith Wingeard
- Priscilla Song, Commonwealth Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (Cameroon)
- Latifa Seroukh, Co-founder and Vice President, SunPower Co-op (Morocco)
- Anne Barre, Gender and Climate Policy Coordinator, WECF, member of the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) - Register for this free webinar
- Webinar: Friday, 11 November 2022, 1:30-4:05pm (Lisbon, UTC), 11:10-1:40pm (EST): Solar Energy Applications towards Entrepreneurship and Sustainability - Celestino Ruivo has organized this free webinar. Er. Deepak Gadhia Blue Sky Awardee, Chairman, Sunrise CSP, India, Prof. Celestino R. Ruivo, Solar Expert, University of Algarve Portugal, Dr. Deepak Waiker, IUCEE, Singapore, Prof. N. El BassamDirector, IFEED, Germany, Dr. K. W. GeiorgisVice President, IFSDAA-AASF, Prof. D. P. Singh President, SSARM India. Pre-registration is required. Webinar brochure information...
- 22 Saturday, October 2022: Webinar - (15:45 - 18:00 UTC, 6:45 am - 9:0am PDT) Solar Cooking: a great solar passion of two Argentine ladies Presented by CONSOLFOOD
- 19-22 September 2022: COP27 Africa Regional Resilience Hub presents online sessions - The virtual program will include 16 sessions on the priority themes of finance and investment, food and agriculture, resilient infrastructure, water and natural ecosystems, and cities and urbanization. Cross-cutting themes include gender and social inclusion, and engaging and amplifying local voices. The regional resilience hub is led by the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), and hosted by SouthSouthNorth. See the detailed agenda and registration information...
- Tuesday, 19 April 2022, 10am-11:15am PDT, 1pm-2:15pm Haiti, 5pm-6:15pm UTC: Build the Beast solar panel cooker at this free workshop with Elie Joseph, solar educator and activist, live from Haiti. More information...
- Webinar: Thursday, 21 April 2022, 9:00am-10:30am EDT, 1:00pm-2:30pm UTC: Leaving No One Behind: Addressing Cooking Needs in Displacement Settings - This webinar is co-hosted by: Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and The Development Responses to Forced Displacement Knowledge Silo Breaker (KSB). It will present lessons from the World Bank-financed Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP) in the Horn of Africa, and bring together global perspectives from various stakeholders to discuss types of interventions, some successes, and challenges and opportunities of bringing clean cooking services to last mile displaced communities. Webinar join link, Webinar password: QPcsagsK233 (77272475 from phones) Webinar number: 2304 688 2033, Join by phone: 1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Access code: 230 468 82033
- Thursday, 24 March 2022, 9:00am PST, 16:00 UTC: United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Forum - Solar Cookers International Executive Director, Caitlyn Hughes and Alan Bigelow, SCI Science Director, will be presenting first-hand accounts of solar cooking initiatives empowering women. Other speakers include Esther Wang'ombe, Senior Deputy Director, Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy, Terry Tempest Williams, author, conservationist, and activist, Dr. Daniel Kammen, Senior Advisor for Energy Innovation at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Rocío Maldonado, SCI Global Advisor. Registration information for this free Zoom event.
- Wednesday, 23 March 2022, 9:00am-10:00am PST, 16:00-17:00 UTC: Global Maker Space Zoom Event - This event will feature an interview with Sharon Clausson, designer and manufacturer of the Copenhagen Solar Cooker Light, hosted by Sacramento City College's Global Studies Program and the Solar Education Project. Register for this free Zoom event
- 24-26 January 2022: Fourth International Conference: Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing - CONSOLFOOD2022 is now planned to be an online event. Advances in solar cooking as well as solar thermal food processing will be presented. Event registration fee is 80 euros for those people using an account of a bank of any country of the European community, and 100 euros for others. If you are interested in attending this online conference please send your registration data before 20 January 2022 to cruivo@ualg.pt and you will be sent payment options. The latest information on registration, content, and event scheduling can be found at http://www.consolfood.org
- 22-26 November 2021: 2nd National Congress for Solar Drying and Cooking Food - An affiliated group of universities in Mexico will host an online conference relating to solar food drying and cooking, as well as, food safety and energy savings realized with minimal environmental impact. Participants can register to view the presentations, or apply for presentation consideration. The conference will be in Spanish. Registration information... -
- Thursday, 18 November 2021 (9:00am-10:00am PST, 17:00-18:00GMT): Global Makers Virtual Event - The Solar Education Project, Sacramento City College's Global Studies Program and Makerspace, and several solar cooking colleagues around the world have been collaborating on a Global Maker Space project. The goal has been to facilitate a series of virtual Maker Workshops that can inspire students and others to become makers and problem solvers themselves. The first video will feature Grace Chepkemei, from Eldoret, Kenya. She will share her method for making a heat retention basket, and demonstrate how it is used to extend cooking time without fuel. Register for this free workshop.
- 1-11 November, 2021: SCI at COP26 - Solar Cookers International will be an active participant at this year's COP26, hosting press conferences with various speakers. Schedule of events organized or supported by SCI
- Webinar: Thursday, 11 November 2021, 1:00pm UTC: - Solar Cookers International will present a webinar showing how solar cooking helps to improve public health, and the health of the environment. As part of this year's COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, it will take place as a side event at the World Health Organization pavilion. There is limited space available for those interested in participating in this free event. Register early.
- 10:15-10:45 GMT on Wednesday, 3 November. Watch livestream on U.S. Center YouTube page and also through the U.S Center website. Plan to watch Dr. Mrs. Janak Palta McGilligan, SCI Global Advisor and Jacquelyn Francis, Executive Director of the Global Warming Mitigation Project (GWMP) and the Keeling Curve at a side event scheduled for 18:30 GMT, Wednesday, 3 November. Watch livestream on U.S. Center YouTube page. They will also be presenting the webinar described below. More information on all the SCI events at COP26 can be seen at the SCI website events page
- Thursday, 4 November 2021, 15:00-16:00 , GMT: Climate and Health Equity: Advancing Clean Energy Access to Households - This side event will take place in the Energy sector at this year's COP26. It will be possible to view the event live via the U.S. Center YouTube feed. Watch the event. Information about other COP26 events at U.S. Center at COP26.
- 18-22 October 2021: Week of Clean Cooking - The Clean Cooking Alliance announces this first ever event, leading up to the UN Climate Summit (COP26) in early November. It will feature a wide range of virtual engagements, events, announcements, content releases, and networking opportunities with CCA and partners from across the clean cooking ecosystem. There is no charge to participate in this event, but registration is required for individual program items. More information...
- 5 October 2021: American made solar competition - The U.S. Dept. of Energy is sponsoring a a multi-part competition to spur solar manufacturing, develop innovative solar solutions and products, and create domestic jobs and opportunities through public-private partnerships. The contest is open to U.S. residents, and the final phase is still open for submittals until 5 October 2021. Much of the attention has been with photovoltaic solutions, and this last phase is structured with two tracks that focus separately on hardware and software components. Solar cooking equipment should qualify as hardware solutions. Read more about the competition...
- Webinar: Monday, 27 September 2021, 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT, 19:00 - 20:00 GMT, Building a Solar Oven: A Real-World, Interdisciplinary Project for K-12 Students - Presented by Jennifer Gasser, Business Development Consultant, Solar Education Project; and Mary Buchenic, Education Director, Solar Education Project. Through innovative, hands-on lessons, Solar Education Project (SEP) helps students develop skills in STEM and other disciplines as well. Global acceptance of solar cooking begins at home. A recording of the webinar will be available after this free event. Registration information...
- 15-17 September 2021: Climate Chance Summit Africa 2021 - Registration is open to attend the virtual 3rd edition of the Climate Chance Africa Summit. Three days of sessions on key themes and sectors of climate action hosted by non-state actors engaged in climate change in Africa. There is no charge for attendance, but registration is required
- Friday, 17 September 2021 (10:30am CDT, 15:30 GMT): Homeschool program on solar cooking - The Syracuse-Turkey Creek Township Public Library, in Syracuse, Indiana, USA, offers online programs for homeschool students on Fridays at 10:30am. This program is described as learning to build and use a solar cooker. Read more...
- Tuesday, 20 July 2021, 10am EST, 14:00 GMT: CCA conversation: - The Clean Cooking Alliance has scheduled a conversation with Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton. This is a free event, but registration is required. Details
- Friday, 9 July, 2021, 10am-11:30am PDT, 1pm - 2:30pm EDT, 17:00 - 6:30 GMT: SCI conversation: - Solar Cookers International will be hosting a Side Event at the United Nation's High-level Political Forum 2021. The topic is Solar cooking – a cross-cutting solution in the recovery from COVID-19 and a path to achieving the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participate in this free event. Registration information...
- Webinar: Sunday, 4 July 2021, 13:30 - 15:30 GMT: CONSOLFOOD - Baking bread in your solar cooker - Videos have been collected, and those selected will be compiled in a YouTube playlist for ease of presentation during the webinar. If you would like to attend this meeting please register by 2 July at the latest. Send an email to cruivo@uaig.pt mentioning your name, country, email address, and phone number. You will receive a link to access the platform by email.
- Webinar: Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:00-15:30 GMT: How Behavioral Science Can Help Increase Uptake and Sustained Use of Clean Energy in Developing Countries - The World Health Organization sponsors this webinar on finding behavioral change solutions, which is influenced by societal factors, individual biases, and mindsets. More information & free registration...
- Webinar: Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 14:30-16:00 CET, 12:30-14:00 GMT: Clean Cooking Data and Pathways to Achieving Progress - The World Health Organization sponsors this webinar on data tracking to assess global progress in the quest for sustainable, affordable energy. To also include a discussion on finding pathways to accelerating progress to clean cooking. More information & free registration...
- Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 2:55-3:55pm CEST, 12:55-1:55 GMT: Healthy people & planet-the power of clean energy solutions for health & climate - European Development Days sponsors a discussion with sector leaders on increasing the momentum of health and energy sector cooperation to support political prioritization and investments in sustainable energy. More information & free registration...
- Thursday, 10 June 2021, 6pm CEST, 16:00 GMT: Insulated Solar Electric Cooking with Thermal Storage: A Solar Cooking Strategy to Fail for a Different Reason? - Engineers Without Borders - Sweden is hosting a conversation to compare the advantages and disadvantages of traditional solar cooking with insulated solar electric cooking. The organizers wish that those attending the Google meet do a little research before the event, and they suggest some relevant information links. More details about the event(scroll down)
- Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 6pm CEST, 16:00 GMT: Import taxes, EWB Sweden, and the future of solar cooking?: - A general meeting for Engineers Without Borders - Sweden, with also discussion on the solar technology at Mount Kenya. All are welcome to participate. Meeting link
- Webinar: Wednesday, 26 May 2021, (9:00am-10:00am EST, 10:00-12:00 GMT): Examine results of VAT on improved combustion cookstoves - CCA - with support from the Clean Cooking Association of Kenya, EED Advisory, Duke University, and the Kenya Ministry of Energy – will examine results from an economic impact assessment that explored the implications of recently introduced VAT on improved cookstoves in Kenya. RSVP
- Webinar: Wednesday, 26 May 2021, (2:00pm - 2:50pm EST, 1:00-1:50 GMT): CCA - Developing an Impact Bond Market to Finance Climate, Health, & Gender Co-Benefits from Clean Cooking - Co-hosted by the World Bank's ESMAP, this workshop will bring together perspectives from the public and private sector to discuss the vision and recent progress toward developing an impact bonds market to finance climate, health, and gender co-benefits from clean cooking. RSVP
- 21-22 May 2021: Food quality, solar cooking, drying, farming, gardening online conference - Sponsored by The Solar Centre Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany. Speakers will be—among others—Deepak Gadhia, Seggy Segaran, Dave Oxford, Stewart Maclachlan, Ivan Yaholnitsky, Celestino Ruivo and Juana María Hernández Jarquín. The presentations on the 21st will be in English, and on the 22nd auf Deutsch. Program and Registration information...
- Webinar: Thursday, 29 April 2021 (2:00pm - 3:30am CEST, 12:00 - 13:30 GMT): Understanding the multilateral climate funds - The Women and Gender Constituency continues with their final webinar of the series: “Funding Gender-Just Climate Solutions”. This Zoom event is free but requires registration. More information...
- Webinar: Saturday, 24 April 2021 (6:00am - 7:30am PDT, 13:00 - 14:30 GMT): Adventures with Solar and Haybox Cooking - SF Innovation LTD, with Seggy Segaran, will present their experiences using solar and haybox cookers to save energy, and the range of improved combustion stoves they also use. This Zoom event is free but requires registration. More information...
- Webinar: Thursday, 22 April 2021 (TBD): Clean Cooking Alliance - Transitioning to Clean Cooking The program will focus on conducting national health and energy assessments, by providing a tool for joint stakeholder mapping and situational assessment to inform future planning. The webinar is free but requires registration
- Webinar: Thursday, 15 April 2021 (2:00pm - 3:30am CEST, 12:00 - 13:30 GMT): Improving capacities to access funding - The Women and Gender Constituency continues with the second of their three-part webinar series: “Funding Gender-Just Climate Solutions”. This Zoom event is free but requires registration. More information...
- Webinar: Thursday, 1 April 2021 (2:00pm - 3:30am CEST, 12:00 - 13:30 GMT): Exploring the Funding Landscape - The Women and Gender Constituency invites you to their three-part webinar series: “Funding Gender-Just Climate Solutions” This first in the series will explore the funding landscape. This Zoom event is free but requires registration. More information...
- 14-26 March 2021, NGO CSW 65 Forum: - NGO CSW/NY organizes the civil society side of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The NGO CSW Forum runs parallel to the events occurring within the UN Headquarters. Solar Cookers International Executive Director, Caitlyn Hughes, will be speaking on Thursday, March 25 (11:30am EST, 4:30 pm GMT). Update: There was so much interest in the CSW event that the maximum capacity on the registration platform has been reached. If you have already registered as an advocate through the CSW platform, you will still be able to join the program there (please make sure you register for SCI's specific event as well). If you did not already register through the CSW platform, please join on SCI's Facebook page, 11:30am EST(4:30 pm GMT) - 1:30pm EST(6:30 GMT) when SCI will try to simultaneously broadcast their portion of the event, and plan to share a recording of the program afterward. Additional speakers include: Jessica Lewis, Dr. Peg Barratt, Rose Bazile, Rocio Maldonado, Dr. Janak Palta McGillian, and Ernestine Williams.
- Webinar: Sunday, 21 March 2021 (16:45-17:50 GMT), CONSOLFOOD, The Lightoven - how solar cooking changes the cook - Dr. Hartmut Ehmler will explain the development of the lightweight Lightoven I solar panel cooker, built to be easily transported. He realized the key towards sustainability was to change one's expectations and behavior. The webinar is free. Contact davidjoxford by 18 March with country, email, and phone information for attendance instructions.
- Webinar: Saturday, 13 March 2021 (2am-3:30am PST, 10am-11:30am GMT), Adventures with Solar and Haybox Cooking - SF Innovation LTD, with Seggy Segaran, will discuss their experiences using solar and haybox cookers to save energy, as well as the range of fuel efficient cook stoves available. This will be a Zoom event with a small class size, to be able to promote interaction and have time for plenty of questions. The event is free, but requires registration. More information...
- Webinar: Wednesday, 24 February 2021 (5:00pm-6:30pm WAT, 4:00-5:30 GMT) Corporate Governance and Access to Finance in Africa - How to Narrow the gap? - In conjunction with The American University in Cairo, ReEnergy Africa is sponsoring this webinar. Registration information... and Zoom link: http://aucegypt.zoom.us/j/9455086315
- Webinar: Wednesday, 24 February 2021 (8:00am-9:30am MST, 3:00-4:30 GMT) ASHES Science to Achieve Results Series #2- Advancing Sustainable Household Energy Solutions (ASHES) will discuss experimental interventions to facilitate clean cookstove adoption, promote clean indoor air, and mitigate climate change. Webinar participation is free. Registration information...
- 25-29 January 2021: ETHOS Virtual Conference - The 2021 ETHOS Conference will be held virtually Monday, January 25 through Friday, January 29, 2021 from 15:00-17:30 GMT each day. The conference aims to expand its reach from previous annual meetings, encouraging participation of Southern partners, international stoves experts, and development specialists with field experience in the transfer of cooking technologies. Registration information...
- Webinar: Sunday, 24 January 2021 (14:30-16:50 EU, GMT) Spreading our passion for solar cooking - Celestino Ruivo, Chairman CONSOLFOOD, will lead this special meeting, with assistance from Ajay Chandak, and Dave Oxford from SLiCKsolarstove UK. View the Program schedule, and participate in the meeting...
- Webinar: Thursday, 14 January 2021 (8:00-9:00am PST, 11:00-12:00pm EST, 16:00-17:00 GMT) Opportunities and Challenges of Carbon Credits for Solar Cooking - Solar Cookers International will be leading the discussion with Joon Park, Rocio Maldonado, and Rita Bachman. Mr. Park will be giving an in-depth overview of the structure and function of carbon credits, as well as the types. Ms. Maldonado and Ms. Bachmann will share their experiences with carbon credits. Registration and Zoom information...
- December 2020: SWC50 – The Century of Solar - In 1970 solar research pioneers met at the first International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Conference in Melbourne Australia. ISES is commemorating this Conference with a special 50th Anniversary Conference and Display, called the Solar World Congress at 50 (SWC50). The face-to-face conference, originally scheduled for 2-4 December 2020, will be replaced by a series of eight virtual conferences over the course of the month in December 2020. It will include the same panel sessions that were planned for the in-person planned event. More information...
- 2 December 2020 (7 a.m. PST, 10 a.m. EST, 15:00 UTC): United Nations Climate Dialogue - Join Solar Cookers International (SCI) for a special event at the United Nations with the Women and Gender Constituency. SCI Executive Director, Caitlyn Hughes, Science Director, Alan Bigelow Ph.D., and Anne Barre (WGC) will be discussing solar cooking's positive impacts on women and the environment. Register for this free event
- Webinar: 4 December 2020 (13:30 IST, 8:00 UTC): Sustainability through Solar Energy and Entrepreneurship - Hosted by Jagan Nath University, the International Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa and Asia, African Asian Studies Promotion Association, and the Society for Sustainable Agriculture & Resources Management will present this webinar. Ten prominent experts in their fields will provide background information and news of the latest sustainability findings. Registration information...
- 23 - 27 November 2020: 9th International Conference on Appropriate Technology - INAT presents a program that will focus on technology exchange and employment creation for community empowerment Learn more...
- 23 - 27 November 2020: 1er. Congreso Nacional de Secado Solar y Cocción Solar de Alimentos - Presentación en línea de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), en español. Contacto: ensycsa@ier.unam.mx
- 3-6 November 2020: The 5th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems - A scientific interchange among researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners from around the world. They gather to share their latest achievements, and discuss the possible challenges for current energy and future energy systems. More information...
- Monday, 2 November 2020 (7-9 p.m. EST, 11 p.m.-1 a.m. GMT): D.A.R.E to Solar Cook - The Physics of Cooking with Sunshine - The Carnegie Science Center is sponsoring a Café Scientifique. Solar advocates Mary Buchenic and Jennifer Gasser will share their experiences promoting the solar cooking STEM curriculum, and Dr. Alan Bigelow, SCI Science Director, will discuss the technical details of solar cooking and incorporating the science of materials and light optics. Participation in the event is free, but pre-registration is required. Registration information
- Friday, 23 October 2020 (9 a.m. EDT, 2 p.m. West Africa Time, 1 p.m. GMT): ReEnergy Africa E-Summit - Success Stories session - SCI's Executive Director, Caitlyn Hughes, will be discussing the impact of solar cooking around the world at the ReEnergy Africa E-Summit Friday session. ReEnergy Africa eSummit has been conceptualized as a unique annual intellectual forum. Its pivotal aim to uncover opportunities in the renewable energy market in Africa. If you are interested in attending this session, please register specifically for the Success Stories session taking place during the listed time. Participation in the event is free, but pre-registration is required. Registration information...
- 10 - 11 October 2020: Start your own solar business - The EvXprts Foundation and the Solar Energy Society of India are presenting a series of online lectures from 11:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 18:00 IST (05:30 - 07:30 & 10:30 - 12:30 GMT) each day. The twelve lecturers represent a wide range of solar technology and enterprise experience. The Zoom presentation requires pre-registration with regular and students rates for attendance. More information: info@evxprts.org
- Friday, 11 September 2020, 3:00pmPDT (10:00GMT): Solar Cooking Demonstration - Solar Cookers International and the Mary Frank Media Fund will host a live Facebook solar cooking demonstration, presented by SCI board member, Monica Woods. Weather conditions may alter the scheduling. Invitation information
- 5 September 2020, 7-8pmEDT (11:00-12:00GMT): Raising the Community Center - Join Rose Bazile and Kathy Puffer for this Facebook live event. There will be professional live music, biogas and solar cooking education, as they celebrate the new community center in Haiti. Hosted by Konbit Pou Developman Commune Kote de Fer. Registration
- 1-4 September 2020: EuroSun2020 is going virtual - The conference will be now be held on a virtual platform, as a response to safety concerns surrounding Covid-19. According to the organization, "We are currently working on new registration fees that reflect the resources and support for creating the virtual conference infrastructure and presenting the conference online. We will provide more details on the registration rates in the coming weeks." The 13th Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry will offer a platform to discuss the latest developments with leading solar energy experts, policy makers, and industry representatives. More information...
- Webinar: 11 August, 2020 (5:00a.m.-6:00a.m. PDT, 12:00pm-1:00pm GMT): The Future of Energy Storage: From Plug and Play to Second Life to New Materials – presented by the ees AWARD Winners 2020 Join the webinar to gain insights into the latest innovations in the field of energy storage. Get an overview of best practice examples, as well as tips for your business and award success. Register
- 3 August 2020 (Monday) 19:00 (16:00 GMT): Lecture on Solar Stoves - Prof. Elmo Dutra will present a lecture on the solar cooker as a sustainable and economical alternative for cooking food. Those interested in registering (free of charge) just access the website and register on the IFS platform. Link to registration for the event: http://publicacoes.ifs.edu.br/index.php/eventos Lecture link: http://meet.google.com/xpi-qdud-pfa (In Portuguese)
- Webinar: 11 July, 2020 (2:00-4:00 PDT, 9:00pm-11:00pm GMT): Cooking using a Haybox and a Battery Powered Slow Cooker - This webinar, presented by SF Innovations Ltd, will look at two different techniques of cooking using a well insulated cooking container. It will show how to cook rice, stews and even bake bread using little or no fossil fuel. Registration information...
- 24 June 2020 (3:00pm Johanesburg, S.A.,1:00 GMT): An Introduction to Renewable Energy Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa. This webinar will cover: Rollout of Renewable Energy Products
- 23-26 June 2020: ASES SOLAR 20/20 - In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon, the American Solar Energy Society is sponsoring the global event, SOLAR 20/20. Hear the latest information on climate change, as well as learn about amazing technology and market advances by innovators and financiers. This will be a push by everyone across the political spectrum for more control of our energy choices to reduce associated costs. SOLAR 20/20 will happen over the same dates, but as a virtual event. More information...
- 30 May 2020 (15h00min (New Delhi) (9:30 GMT): 4th Webinar CONSOLFOOD, Spreading the solar cooking "virus" - CONSOLFOOD organizers, Celestino Ruivo and Ajay Chandak will host a webinar featuring Hemant Deshpande, a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Government Polytechnic in Miraj, India, and an advocate for sustainability awareness. Registration to attend this webinar is free. If you would like to attend, please register by the 28th May, 2020 at the latest, by sending an email to solarmanofindia@gmail.com (Ajay Chandak ) mentioning your name, country, email, and phone contact. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link via email to access the video-conference platform.
- 12-14 May 2020: ENSUS 2020 - O ENSUS reúne professores, técnicos, alunos e comunidade que buscam pela sustentabilidade integrada aos projetos e ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos, nas áreas de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Design. More information... - (English version) DA PANDEMIA COVID 19, O ENSUS 2020 SERÁ REALIZADO ONLINE (FROM PANDEMIA COVID 19, ENSUS 2020 WILL BE HELD ONLINE)
- 4-5 April 2020: Global Health & Innovation Conference - At this 17th annual conference, learn from more than 200 speakers who are committed to effective, responsible programs in health, development, entrepreneurship, and education. More information...
- 27 March 2020 (14:00 - 15:30 GMT): Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship - More information...
- 28 March 2020 (16:45 - 18:20 GMT): 1stWebinar CONSOLFOOD - Spreading the solar cooking “virus” - More information...
- 27 February 2020 (8:00-8:30 am PST, 16:00-16:30 GMT): Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Solar Cooking - Solar Cookers International
- 19 September 2019 (3:00 p.m. CEST (9:00 a.m. EDT, 13:00 GMT) Webinar: Sustainable Energy for Essential Humanitarian Services - This webinar is the second of the four-part webinar series “Sustainable Energy in Humanitarian Settings”. It is organized jointly by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), energypedia UG and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The webinar series is a contribution to the Global Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement (GPA). There is no fee. Register here
- SCI & GACC Webinar: 31 May 2018, 11 a.m. EDT (15:00 GMT) - Solar Cookers International and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will present 'The Clean, Sustainable Cooking Solution - Solar Thermal' (Preregistration required)
- 10 January 2018, Wednesday: (8-9am PDT, 15:00-16:00 GMT): Sector updates webinar - Solar Cookers International will sponsor the webinar, Solar Cooking Sector Updates, which is open and available to the public. It will give SCI and its partners an opportunity to promote sector knowledge sharing, coordination, and collaboration. Submit your updates by 3 January and RSVP.
- 10 January 2018, Wednesday: (9-10am PDT, 16:00-17:00 GMT): Refugee Working Group (Conference Call) A one hour call is scheduled to follow the sector updates webinar.
- 29 November 2017, Wednesday: (8am-9:30am PST, 16:00–17:30 GMT): Winrock & U.S. EPA Cook Stoves & Indoor Air presents a webinar to hear Jim Jetter and his U.S. EPA colleagues discuss results from recent EPA cookstove research, including publications on life cycle assessments, mutagenicity health effects, PAH emissions, and ultrafine particles. Also to be included are the latest round of cookstove/fuel test reports. Webinar participation is free. For registration and log-in information inquire at: moderator@cookstovesandindoorair.org
- Red Mujeres en Energía Renovable y Eficiencia Energética (REDMEREE) iniciará la serie de webinars “Cocinas Solares en Latinoamérica” en colaboración con Solar Cookers International. Las sesiones contarán con la participación de diversas organizaciones pioneras en cocción solar dentro de Latinoamérica. Unirse a los seminario es muy fácil. Solo tienes que seguir los enlaces e instrucciones que se enviarán por correo días antes de cada seminario web. Esperamos poder verle en los seminarios y mientras tanto, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotras si tiene alguna sugerencia o pregunta. Escriba a info@redmujeresenergia.org para más información.
- 21 September 2017, Thursday (8-9am PDT, 15:00-16:00 GMT): Sector updates - Solar Cookers International will sponsor the webinar, Solar Cooking Sector Updates, which is open and available to the public. It will give SCI and its partners an opportunity to promote sector knowledge sharing, coordination, and collaboration. Registration information...
- 21 September 2017, Thursday: (9-10am PDT, 16:00-17:00 GMT): Refugee Working Group (Conference Call) A one hour call is scheduled to follow the sector updates webinar. Registration information...
- 30 August 2017, Wednesday (12:00-13:00 PDT, 19:00-20:00 GMT): How to Promote Integrated Solar Cooking as a Social Business - Two Examples of Success in Africa - Solar Cookers International and Solar Cooking KoZon will be sharing best practices and lessons learned from decades of experience.The live webinar will be open and available to the public. Registration information... A webinar recording will be available to SCI Associates.
- 22 August 2017, Tuesday (10-11:30am PDT, 17:00-18:30 GMT): EPA/Winrock International - Health studies and cook stoves - The webinar address the question; What are we learning from health studies of clean cooking interventions? Hear about three recent/ongoing health studies, including the goals of the studies, lessons learned and key findings. The researchers state; 'studies have shown that improvements in health outcomes can be difficult to achieve, especially for biomass stoves.' The webinar is free and open to the public. Registration information...
- 25 August 2017 (1:30 - 6:00 EDT, 17:30 - 22:00 GMT): More than 550 people are expected to hear Alan Bigelow, PhD, Solar Cookers International's science director and main United Nations representative, and others in a High-Level Global Meeting at the United Nations. His presentation on solar cooking is expected to be broadcast to an estimated 20 million people in over 100 cities in the world. See UN broadcasts.
- 3 August 2017, Thursday (7pm EDT, 23:00 GMT/UTC): Solar cooker performance evaluation - The International Solar Energy Society, ISES, joins with Solar Cookers International to provide the latest developments from the performance evaluation process (PEP) for solar cookers, to help provide consumers with useful information, and to hold manufacturers to a public accountability standard. Registration information...
- 19 July 2017, Wednesday (11am-12:30pm EDT, 15:00-16:30 GMT): Winrock/US EPA Stove Use Monitoring Studies in Guatemala, Vietnam, and Malawi - Winrock states; "Promising laboratory results showing significant reductions of fuel consumption and toxic emissions are rarely reproducible in the field when the stove is integrated into intricate household cooking systems based on traditional burning of solid fuels. To achieve benefits, use of cleaner and/or more efficient options must be sustained and account for a substantial proportion of cooking tasks." The webinar is free but requires registration. Registration information
- Thursday, 27 April 2017: (8-9am PST, 3-4pm GMT): Solar Cookers International will host the "Sector Updates: Share Your News" webinar. Hear and share sector updates, especially what has been happening since the 6th SCI World Conference 2017. This webinar is free and available to anyone. RSVP and submit any updates that you would like to share, and/or questions that you have for the sector at before Tuesday, April 25, 2017. A recording of the webinar will be available to SCI Associates. Join the SCI Association.
- 3 October - 13 November 2016: Appropriate Technology for the Developing World - Are you interested in international development, humanitarian work, or helping others with renewable energy internationally? If you answered yes, this course, put on by Solar Energy International is for you! The first section of this course surveys technologies that aim to improve people’s access to basic human needs: water and sanitation, food processing and cooking technologies, biomass, rural electrification, and appropriate building techniques. The second section of the class focuses on project development and implementation. Throughout this course the focus is on the community- their needs, how to guide decision makers to understand the benefits of different technologies, and how to learn from the community. Working with a community will ensure the success of an appropriate technology project. Register here...
- 31 October - 8 November 2016: Mother Earth News Homesteading Summit - Marjory Wildcraft, of The Grow Network, has teamed up with Mother Earth News to offer online access to the upcoming Mother Earth News Homesteading Summit. Viewing is free but registration is necessary. More information...
- 29 October 2016: Dr. Ajay Chandak posted on the Solar Cookers World Network Facebook page that he is organizing workshops on Whatsapp. The first two are on solar cooking and innovative financing for solar power projects. The solar cooking session will on October 29th at 18:00 local India time (12:30pm GMT, 5:30am PDT on the 28th). These workshops will help new entrepreneurs, people already in solar business, people who want to use solar cooking or invest in solar rooftop or power projects. Interested people should contact him on his personal Whatsapp number, +91-9823033344. Introduce yourself and share your contact so that he can directly save it. These workshops are free.
- 10 October 2016 - 22:00 GMT (16:00 Central Time - Chiapas): Nociones basicas de la concentración solar.
- February 22, 24 2016: Advancing Cookstove Research and Design: As part of the U.S. Government support for the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) awarded $10 million in grants for research aimed at addressing technical barriers to the development of low emission, high efficiency cookstoves through activities in areas such as combustion, heat transfer and materials development. Join the free webinar for a two-part series on Monday, February 22 and Wednesday, February 24 at 10:00am EST (14:00 – 15:30 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)),for an update on the U.S. DOE projects. There is no charge for the webinar but registration is required. Register Part One, 2/22 Register Part Two, 2/24 More information at: moderator@cookstovesandindoorair.org
- Tuesday, 13 September 2016: From 11:00am - 12:20pm EDT(8:00am - 9:30am PDT) the Winrock International and the U.S. EPA will present the webinar: Using Stove Emissions Data to Estimate Air Quality: An overview of World Health Organization current modeling approaches and future plans. This webinar will provide background on how stove emissions can be related to concentrations of indoor air quality. There is no fee for participating. Registration More information: moderator@cookstovesandindoorair.org
- February 3, 2016: SCI Associates Webinar - Engaging Students in Cross-Curricular Solar Cooker Lessons - (1600 GMT) Are you a teacher inspiring and educating the next generation of solar cooks? Expert science teacher Mary Buchenic will explain how solar cooking can be taught across disciplines and to meet curriculum standards. Ms. Buchenic has taught 1500 children and their families about solar cooking, and will share her varied experience. Free for SCI Associates. Non-associate early bird registration price is $15, and standard rate for non-associates is $20. Register here...
- December 15, 2015: Solar Plaza Webinar: Making Solar Bankable in Emerging Markets - (15:00-16:00 GMT) This webinar will give professional insights on two crucial stakeholders’ points of view on the bankability of solar projects in emerging markets. Register here...
- December 14, 2015: Winrock & U.S. EPA Webinar: ISO TC 285 Cookstoves Standards Update - (15:00 - 16:30 GMT) This webinar will give an update on the TC 285 process, results from the recent ISO meetings in Ghana and a timeline for next steps. Presenters from each working group will share updates. Register here...
- December 10, 2015: SCI will be hosting a free webinar on how to use and contribute to the SCInet Wiki - (16:00 - 17:00 GMT) Learn how to create and update a page for yourself, your solar cooker design, or your NGO as well as make an addition to an existing page. Become a part of a resource which receives a quarter of a million page visits each month and connect with other solar cooking experts around the world. Contribute your designs, innovations, project evaluations and updates, event announcements, and more to the world's largest solar cooking digital database. Register here...
- Wednesday 10 - 11a.m. PT, October 7, 2015: Powering Emerging Markets with Smart U.S. Solutions - Join the Northern California World Trade Center for a live Google Hangout as they explore international market opportunities for U.S. companies in the field of renewable energy and smart infrastructure development. The program is aimed at U.S. companies and exporters interested in expanding in the international renewable energy market. The program is free to all but registration is required. More information
- August 26th, 2015, 8:00am - 9:00am (PDT): SCI Association webinar -- Topic: Testing for Consumer Certification, A Feasibility Study (registration required prior to webinar)
- Tuesday, June 23, 2015: The International Solar Energy Society is holding a free webinar on solar thermal technology with a focus on new business models and commercial-scale projects. Speakers will include Tobias Schwind, Managing Director of the Fresnel collector manufacturer Industrial Solar, David Hoedeman, Director of Solar Sales of Nextility, Nicholas Wagner, Analyst at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and Christian Holter, Managing Director of the Austrian solar thermal turnkey system supplier SOLID. More information...
- Tuesday, March 17, 2015: GACC Clean Cooking Catalog The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves presents a webinar at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time EST (3:00 p.m. UTC/GMT) designed for new Alliance partners explaining benefits, participation, and opportunities. There will also be an overview of their Clean Cooking Catalog. Alliance consultant Kate Farr will demonstrate optimal Catalog navigation through search criteria and filtering tools to provide unique, targeted data results. More information... For those who are not able to join on the date of the webinar, a recording will be made available on the Alliance’s YouTube channel: Cookstoves Alliance after the 17th.
- March 11, 2015: International Solar Energy Society webinar on Solar Food Processing for Income Generation - The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is hosting a webinar on how solar food processing can be used for income generation. "Expert speakers will show examples of how solar food processing can be a profitable business venture. The panelist speakers will present case studies where individuals and companies use solar cooking techniques to earn their living and have made a successful and professional business." Presenters include:
- The webinar will be held from 3:00pm - 4:30pm GMT (7:00am - 8:30am PST/10:00am - 11:30pm EST). More info and registration...
- Through September 17, 2014: Nominations sought for Karl W. Böer Solar Energy Medal - The University of Delaware invites nominations for the medal, which also carries a cash award of $60,000. Applications are due September 17, 2014. The medal will be awarded to an individual who has made significant pioneering contributions in solar energy, wind energy, or other forms of renewable energy as an alternate source of energy through research, development, or economic enterprise. For more information, visit: http://www.energy.udel.edu/boer.html
- February 25-26, 2015: Join a EPA hosted Interagency Science to Achieve Results (STAR) research meeting on clean cookstove cooking - At this meeting, EPA STAR grant investigators will discuss field measurements and modeling of the impacts of cleaner cooking, heating, lighting, and fuels on air quality, health and climate. EPA scientists, speakers from federal agencies, and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will report on the relationship of research, policy and practice in the field, participation by the private sector, and opportunities to improve air quality and the lives of people worldwide. Seven hours of presentations each day. Cookstove Research Meeting Agenda Free online registration
- January 19 - March 30, 2015: Solar Thermal Power Plants - Sialsol is offering a ten week online course on solar thermal power plant technology, including trough collector design and heat storage options. It will be offered in both Spanish and English. (Course syllabus) For more information contact: beatriz.puerto@sialsol.es
- Monday, February 23, 2015 (16:00GMT, 11am EST): ISES Webinar - Solar Resource Data Applications for Utility Planning and Operations - Two well-known private companies who have developed satellite-based solar resource techniques, and software packages to apply these data for deployment and operational strategies, will present some of their recent products. Marcel Suri from GeoModel Solar, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, will describe how their long-term SolarGIS satellite-derived data products can be adapted and Tom Hoff from Clean Power Research, based in Kirkland, Washington, USA, will describe how their SolarAnywhere satellite-derived data product is incorporated into tools that evaluate the growing variable resource occurring from "behind the meter". More information and registration...
- Tuesday, September 16, 2014: From 8am - 9:30am (PDT), the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC) is featuring a a webinar showcasing the Research, Development, and Innovations in the Clean Cooking Sector. The presenters include reps from the Dept of Energy, Colorado State University, Applied Sunshine (designer of the Go Sun solar cooker) and Catapult Design. For registration information see the attached file. file:///Users/paul/Downloads/Untitled%20attachment%2000684.htm
- Friday, April 4, 2014: SES Webinar - Solar Cooking Around the World: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices' - This webinar, from 3:00 - 4: 30 pm GMT/UTC, will focus on current examples of the use of solar cookers and on recent technical advances in this technology. It will also present a comparative analysis of the development of solar cooking technology in different latitudes with various cultural parameters and energy situations. The moderator of the webinar is Celestino Ruivo, and speakers will include Ajay Chandak, Patricia McArdle, and Pedro Serrano, Director, Extreme Unit Architecture, Technical University Federico Santa Maria, Chile. Please register before 12:00pm GMT. Registration and webinar details.
- Thursday, November 21, 2013 (Webinar): Do you want to learn about enabling and limiting factors that have been found to influence large scale uptake of clean cookstoves and fuels? If so, register today for the Winrock and U.S. EPA-organized webinar “Key Factors Influencing Adoption” from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). Dr. Elisa Puzzolo from the World Health Organization and Dr. Debbi Stanistreet from The University of Liverpool will present findings from the recently released systematic review “Factors influencing the large-scale update by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies.” Information and registration links...
- Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Join the Winrock and U.S. EPA “Advances in Cookstove Field Monitoring” webinar on Wednesday, September 25th to hear from experts who are developing and applying new innovative technologies, tools, and methods to evaluate cookstoves and fuels in the field. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST (15:00 – 16:30 (UTC)/ (GMT)) Read more... The webinar is free, but registration is required.
- Thursday, March 7, 2013, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST (6:00 - 12:30 GMT) Institutional stove technology webinar: Register for the upcoming EPA and Winrock webinar on Institutional Stoves. It appears the program will include discussions on fuel burning stoves only. Xavier Brandao from Prakti Design, Peter Scott from BURN Design Lab and BURN Manufacturing Co. and Fred Colgan from Institutional Stove Solutions (InStove) will each present on their experience and lessons learned with institutional stoves covering topics such as design principles, manufacturing techniques and dissemination tools. The webinar is free, but requires advance registration. Registration information...
- Thursday, January 17, 2013: The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) will present a webinar on Cookstove Durability Testing at 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time(15:00 – 16:30 Coordinated Universal Time). Hear the results of durability testing, and how they are being used, from experienced designers and technicians. Discover how to test the durability of different materials and stove components to improve the design of cookstoves . The webinar is free but requires advance registration. Program and Registration information...
- Sunday, December 2, 2012: TEDxGrassValley, an independently produced event, operated under license from TED, will webcast the programming and talks from TEDxWomen in Washington DC along with presenting seven local exciting speakers from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. PST. The schedule of speakers will include Julie Greene, Executive Director of Solar Cookers International speaking on harnessing the sun to improve health and environments. This year's theme is "The Space Between" and will address how women and girls are changing the world. More information...
- Thursday, November 29, 2012: The Environmental Protection Agency will be sponsoring a webinar on Retained Heat Cooking at 15:00 – 16:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Vincent Okello from Practical Action East Africa along with Miguel Granados and Malcolm Gribble from HELPS International (Guatemala) will share their case studies, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned in retained heat cooker design, commercialization, and community engagement in both rural and urban areas. There is no cost to participate but registration is required. Register for the webinar...
- Tuesday, March 13, 2012: Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PCIA) will present; Correlation of Laboratory Tests with Controlled Cooking Tests in Rwanda, Laos, and Bangladesh. The testing focuses on fuel efficient stoves. It will take place from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m EDT, which is 15:00 - 16:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Registration information...
- January 12, 2012: There is still time to register for the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PCIA) Laboratory Test Results of Cook Stove Performance Webinar. 16:00 – 17:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). Nordica McCarty and Dean Still of Aprovecho Research Center, leading cook stove researchers, will present an overview of the laboratory test method and will share the test results of numerous household cook stoves and fuels, including wood-burning stoves with and without chimneys, wood-burning stoves with electric fans, charcoal stoves, liquid-fuel stoves and a solar cooker. The testing evaluated fuel economy, emissions, safety and cost. Registration Information...
- Monday, November 21, 2011: The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (PCIA) will host a webinar entitled "Case Studies:Gold Standard in Practice" from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (EST), 16:00 - 17:30 (GMT). It will walk participants through the details of cook stove projects that have successfully navigated the Gold Standard project cycle, with the goal of increasing the number of viable projects. You must be a PCIA Partner to participate in this free webinar. If you are not yet a Partner please consider joining. More Information...
- September 21, 2009 - November 1, 2009 This six-week online "Renewable Energy for the Developing World" course will explore different applications for renewable energy technologies in developing countries. Participants will learn how to successfully accomplish sustainable development projects with renewable energy. Registration & More Information here...