Last edited: 4 September 2017
The PerSiST (Personal Solar Survival Tube) can either be the SK-TF (Solar Kettle-Thermos Flask) or SaVeTaO (Solar Vacuum Tube Oven).
The idea of owning a PerSiST is that it ensures and empowers the individual with personal life saving cooking fuel powered by the sole energy from the Sun.
So long as the Sun shines, with the PerSiST, you literally persists while others can only fail to exist without critical cooking fuel in the event of an emergency.
In a natural disaster where drinking water could be contaminated with enterogenic microbes and where cooking fuel, power and sterilizing chemicals are not available, the PerSiST will ensure you continue to persist until the situation is restored to normal by solar pasteurizing drinking water, cooking, baking and even autoclaving surgical equipment.
If you are an aid giver to the remotest areas of the Earth, you will know how critical clean and safe drinking water is.
The only way to ensure that you don't die from diarrhea related death from drinking water contaminated with enterogenic microbes is to make your own solar pasteurized water with the PerSiST.
Carry a PerSiST with you as an Aid Giver and chances are that you will persist, otherwise you might perish for want of clean and safe drinking water in the field.
You went out to be a blessing; don't turn out to be a burden, carry a PerSiST with you.
- See Alex Kee.Alex Kee