Last edited: 20 September 2023
- October 2024: The Kakamega Solar Oven Project took place in Kakamega, Kenya, distributing 1,500 solar box ovens between 2017-2021
- June 2023: The NJUBA Children Relief 2022-2023 solar cooking introductory project took place within the Mpigi and Zombo districts of Uganda (Project summary), (Detailed field survey evaluation) - NJUBA Children Relief
- June 2022: Haines Focus Group Kakuma Refugee Camp Report: 10 Day Field Training, May 2022 - Solar Education Project, Solar Household Energy, Haines Solar Cookers
- June 2022: Kakuma Focus Group Data pdf, Solar Education Project- Excel pdf image with backup data for the 11-month evaluation, showing that 100% of the Pop Opens were still in use after 11 months, and they were used an average of 4.6 times per week.
- May 2022: Haines Focus Group Kakuma Report: 10 Day Field Training, May 2022 - Solar Education Project, Solar Household Energy, Haines Solar Cookers
- April 2020: The Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Solar Cooking - Solar Cookers International
- April·2020:·Solar Cooking Economic Impact Summaries Sources and Calculations - Solar Cookers International
- March 2020 (Dominican Republic): Use of Solar Ovens in the Dominican Republic, 3-2020 - Prepared by José Rafael Peguero Rivera for La Iglesia Evangelica Dominicana (The Dominican Evangelical Church) and Solar Oven Partners - United Methodist Church (SOP-UMC) USA
- January 2020 (Argentina): Solar Cooker in Urban Environment as a Complement to Liquified Petroleum Gas Cooking - Case Study in Las Tunas Neighborhood, Buenos Aires - Manuel F. Semedo, Lucio Capalbo, Pamela Scanio
- January 2020 (Portugal): Lessons Learned from Applied Solar Cooking In Community, Tamera, Portugal - Franziska Klapper, Hannah Larndorfer, Katrin Münch
- January 2020 (Spain): The Challenges of Everyday Solar Cooking in Communities - A. Fernándes Torres, C. Karystinos
- April 2019: (Mexico) The Ambassador-Led Social Enterprise in Oaxaca, Mexico: Sustainably Spreading Solar Cooking in Rural Communities - Solar Household
- July 2018: Solar Cookers International White Paper - Edward OrtizEnergy
- January 2018: Solar Cookers International Report Recent Gains in Global Solar Cooking Movement (Slides, Abstract) - Julie Greene, et al
- January 2018: Solar Cookers International Test Stations for a Performance Evaluation Process Motivate a Network of Testing Centers (Abstract) - Alan Bigelow, et al
- February 2017: (Haiti) Solar Stove Adoption Project in Tilori, Haiti - Solar Household Energy
- January 2017 (Mexico): Adopción tecnológica sustentable de cocinas solares en comunidades indígenas y rurales de Michoacán - M. González-Avilés
- February 2016: Key Disruptors for the 21st Century - Julie Greene, Solar Cookers International, USA
- September 2015 (Nicaragua): Análisis critico de la experiencia de la Cooperativa Multisectorial "Mujeres Solares de Totogalpa" - COOMUSOT - Gemma Botica Sevilla
- August 2015 (Madgascar): ADES report on challenges of solar cooker promotion - Short report by the Association pour le Développement de l'Energie Solaire detailing reasons they have moved away from solar cooking and toward fuel-efficient woodstoves in Madagascar
- April 2015: Kakuma Focus Group 11-month Evaluation 2023-04-15 by Solar Education Project
- January 2015 (Chad): Evaluation for Jewish World Watch Tchad Solaire Solar Cooker Project Touloum and Iridimi Refugee Camps - Patricia McArdle
- September 2014 (Chad): Solar Cooking in the Sahel Region of Northern Africa - NOWCAST
- July 2014 (Ethiopia): Durable High Power Panel Type Solar Cooker and Its Effectiveness Study in Ethiopia - Yuichi Nakajo
- April 2014 (India and Burkina Faso): A (new) cultural turn toward solar cooking—Evidence from six case studies across India and Burkina Faso
- February 2014 (Chad): Cord refugee camp solar cooker project final evaluation
- February 2014: (Madagascar) Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Parabolic Solar Cooker SK14 in Madagascar - Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2014
- January 2014: (Senegal) The Mekhe Solar Cooker: Empowering Women One Community at a Time - A Case Study in Senegal - SGP The GEF Small Grants Programme
- September 2013: (Nepal) Klaus Schulte follows up on solar cooker use in Bamti Bhander, Nepal ten years after the introduction of parabolic solar cookers. Ten years with Energy Hunters of Nepal in Bamti Bhander 2013 - Klaus Schulte
- January 2013: (India) Performance Studies of a Multipurpose Solar Energy System for Remote Areas - MIT International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1,
- January 2013: (India) Performance Evaluation of Parabolic Solar Disc for Indoor Cooking - Yogesh Suple & S.B. Thomre
- April 2011: (Namibia) Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) revisits five communities in Namibia that had received solar cooking training in 2009 - 2010. - Jon Maravelias, Development Associate at NaDEET, visits areas in Namibia where he helped distribute solar cookers and train the recipients in their use and plant trees to combat the rampant deforestation in the area.
- November 2009: (Chad) TchadSolaire Project Evaluation, Touloum Refugee Camp, Chad - Final Report - Evaluation of Cookit distribution in the Touloum Refugee Camp in Chad by TchadSolaire with notes about successful program elements and recommendations for technological improvements.
- November 2008: International Program Development, Kenya Report Status report of SCI programs including the Safe Water Project and Sunny Solutions by Karyn Ellis, SCI Director of International Development.
- October 2008: (Kenya) Sunny Solutions Project in Nyakach Constituency, Nyanza Province, Kenya - Evaluation Report to Solar Cookers International - An independent evaluation of the Sunny Solutions Project in Nyakach Constituency, Nyanza Province, Kenya. The report examines the impact of solar cooking on the area, associated variables, the results of the project, and recommendations for how to improve future projects.
- September 2008: (Kenya) Sunny Solutions Program, Nyakach, Kenya - Evaluation Report to Solar Cookers International - An independent economic analysis of the Sunny Solutions Project focusing on how the business model for similar projects could be improved in the future.
- July 2007: (South Africa) The development impact of solar cookers: A review of solar cooking impact research in South Africa - Marlett Wentzel and Anastassios Pouris - An evaluation of solar cooker use in South Africa, the factors that affect their use, and their economic and social effects.
- October 2007: (Chad) Solar Cooker Project Iridimi, Refugee Camp, Chad - Final Evaluation - Observations from a five day evaluation of solar cooker use in the Iridimi Refugee Camp. Evaluation based on interviews with 121 refugees and includes recommendations for improving solar cooker use in the camp.
- March 2007: (Kenya) Solar Cooker Dissemination in Kenya - Evaluation Report to Solar Cookers International - A summary of economical, environmental, and health-related issues in rurual Kenya that have the potential to be remedied with the use of solar cookers. Report includes conlcusions of the project and lessons learned.
- January 2007: Here Comes the Sun: Options for Using Solar Cookers in Developing Countries - GIZ
- August 2006: (South Africa) The development impact of solar cookers: A review of solar cooking impact research in South Africa (Energy Policy version) - Marlett Wentzel and Anastassios Pouris
- August 2006: (Mexico) Nogales, US-Mexico Clean Air Report Excerpts August 2006 - Report for the Thermal Construction and Alternative Heating and Cooking Technologies Project that outlines research conducted to assess the air quality along the US-Mexico border. Solar Household Energy collaborated with the research team to introduce solar cookers into the cities being studied.
- July 2006: (Chad) Use and Manufacture of CooKits in a Refugee Camp, Iridimi, Chad
- July 2006: (Burkina Faso) Evaluation of 3 Solar Cooker Projects in Burkina Faso/West Africa
- April 2006: (Bolivia) Lasting Impacts of a Solar Cooker Project in Bolivia - Bolivia Inti - A summary of a research study of solar cooking use in Bolivia conducted by Chris Pell from the University College London.
- April 2006: (Ethiopia, Kenya, Bolivia) Summary of Lasting Impacts of Solar Cooker Projects - Solar Household Energy, Inc. - A general summary of long-term effects of solar cooker use in refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Bolivia.
- February 2006: (Bolivia) Christopher Pell Thesis, Solar Cookers in Bolivia: patterns of usage, social impacts and complexities of enumeration - Full research paper from Chris Pell discussing solar cooking use in Bolivia, its environmental impact as well as the social and economic effects on those using the cookers.
- March 2005: (Nepal) Towards Sustainable Relief-Assistance, Varja Foundation Nepal - An evaluation of solar cookers versus kerosine or wood stoves in Nepal by Bhutanese refugees. Program conducted by Vajra Foundation Nepal.
- May 2004: (South Africa) Solar Cooking Compendium: Challenges and Achievements of the Solar Cooker Field Test in South Africa - GIZ
- December 2003: (Kenya) Evaluation of the Solar Cookers International Solar CooKit Project at the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya - The final evaluation of the Solar Cookers International project at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. Report discusses the decreased dependence on wood as fuel, environmental effects, and socio-cultural impacts.
- January 2003: (Ethiopia) Aisha Solar Cooking Project, Aisha refugee camp, Ethiopia - Evaluation Report to Solar Cookers International - This report summarizes the state of the Aisha Solar Cooking Project which was started in 1997 by Solar Cookers International. It includes discussions of the preparation, planning, in-camp assessments, and feed-back meetings from the assessment conducted in late 2001.
- October 2001: (Ethiopia) Executive Summary of a Solar Oven Promotion Program In Ethiopia: 1997 - 1999 at the Aisha Refugee Camp - A review of findings from and Solar Cookers International study in the Aisha Refugee Camp to determine the effects of solar cooker use on fuel wood savings.
- July 2000: (South Africa) The feasibility of introducing solar ovens to rural women in Maphephethe - Merridy Wilson and J Maryann Green
- March 1999: (South Africa) Solar Cooker Acceptance in South Africa: Results of a Comparative Field-Test - Biermann, et al
- November 1998: Evaluation of Energy-Saving Options for Refugees - UNHCR-Geneva
- August 1998: (Kenya) Summary of wood consumption study in Kakuma by Drs. B. Knudson and B. Lankford August 1998. - A paper discussing the methods and findings of a pilot study conducted in the Kakuma Refugee Camp to determine the effects of solar cooker use on fuelwood savings.
- October 1996: The Experience of UNHCR and its Partners with Solar Cookers in Refugee Camps - UNHCR-Geneva
- December 1977: (Haiti) Solar Cookers for Haiti - Bowman, Sharber, Blatt
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- July 2023: The Solar Cooker Ambassador Program in Oaxaca, Mexico, 5-year evaluation - Solar Household Energy