Solar Cooking
Last edited: 2 June 2019      
Attendees of the SCInet 2014 Convention.

The SCInet Solar Cooking Convention 2014 was held in Sacramento California, USA July 17-19th of 2014. This was the seventh international solar cooking conference, and the first to be held in eight years.

The convention brought together 102 solar cooking project directors, promoters, designers, researchers, and manufacturers to share sustainable program strategies, recent advancements in solar cooking, global promotion, solar cooker testing, and project evaluations. Convention participants were actively involved in setting goals and establishing collaborative teams for global priorities in solar cooking technology.

The third day of the Convention was a free public solar cooking festival held at William Land Park in Sacramento. Attendees from sixteen countries demonstrated solar cookers and cooking techniques.

Setting standards for solar cooker certification, uniform testing methods, and global promotion strategies were the topics that interested most of those in attendance. Accomplishing the certification and testing goals will allow for easier adoption of solar cooking projects by larger funding organizations, as well as provide comparative information for consumers.

Sponsors of the convention included Solar Cookers International, The Agua Fund, Inc., and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. SCI Executive Director, Julie Greene, SCI staff, and SCI volunteers put in many hours planning this years convention, helping to make it the success that it was.

Presentation videos and PDFs[]


2014 SCInet Convention Keynote

Global solar cooking promotion

Solar cooker performance testing and certification

Main article: Testing

Use studies - Projects - History


Solar cooker design

Main article: Solar cooker designs

Working groups[]

At the conference a number of working groups were set up to facilitate ongoing collaboration:

  • Global Solar Cooking Promotion: Moving Forward
  • Making Solar Cookers Affordable: Finance Models for Users, and Income Generation
  • Sustainable Project Model: Best Practices
  • Standards for Solar Cookers
  • Solar Cooker Certification Process: Consumer Rating System
  • SCInet: Our Direction for Global Collaboration
  • Rotary: Best Practices for Solar Cooking Projects
  • Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
  • Collective advocacy statement
  • Academics
  • For-profit business
  • Promoting Solar Cooking in Your Community

See also[]

SCInet Solar Cooking Festival 2014[]


SCI Solar Cooking Festival-0

See also[]


See Solar Cookers International.