Solar Cooking

The URLs can be used in mail or otherwise to shorten the path to frequently used pages. For example, to send someone a link to the article entitled "Raising funds through grants and donations," just send this link:

fundingRaising funds through grants and donations
reflectorsReflective material
potsSolar cooking pots
buyCategory:Manufacturers and vendors
potsSolar cooking pots
advantagesAdvantages of solar cooking
benefitsAdvantages of solar cooking
iapIndoor air pollution
newngoAdding an NGO article
newbioAdding a biographical article
scrSolar Cooker Review
compendiumCompendium of solar cooker designs
sckScheffler Community Kitchen
faqSolar cooking frequently-asked questions
calendarCalendar of events
minimum"Minimum" Solar Box Cooker
easylidEasy Lid Cooker
windshieldWindshield Shade Solar Cooker
sfpSolar food processing
bagsPlastic bags
introIntroduction to solar cooking
plansCategory:Solar cooker plans
designsCategory:Solar cooker designs
discussSolar Cooking Archive Discussion Forums
promotionPromoting solar cooking
researchTopics needing research
WAPIWater Pasteurization Indicator
ICMIntegrated Cooking Method
waterWater pasteurization
peopleCategory:Who's who in the solar cooking movement
sciSolar Cookers International
JWWJewish World Watch
heatHeat-retention cooking
refugeesRefugee camps
iridimiIridimi Refugee Camp
touloumTouloum Refugee Camp
dryingSolar food drying
scwnetSolar Cookers World Network
rocketRocket Stove
foilReflective material
groupsSolar cooking for large groups
small groupsWhat one person or a small group can do to promote solar cooking