Solar Cooking
This article is about an entity that either no longer exists or that may no longer be active in solar cooking promotion. It is retained here for archival purposes.

Last edited: 14 January 2015      

The Solar Cooker Application Group, headed by Professor Herliyani Suharta, was established in 1993, after the Earth Day Summit in 1992, in order to pursue a grant for a solar cooking research project in Indonesia.  The Group worked with the Center for Field Research (Massachusetts, USA) from 1994-1998 and continued its own research until 2007, when funding ran out.  Currently, the Solar Cooker Application Group is seeking funding to continue its work in developing ecologically-friendly technology and in providing education in the use of green technologies for cooking.

To know part of her work, please read papers listed following.

  • Cook stoves SAVE80 for Clean Development Mechanism Project Kupang 1, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. - paper describing a project to introduce the Cook Stove SAVE80 & Wonderbox (heat retention cooker)
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1, Indonesia - short paper describing a project to introduce & develop use of K14 parabolic solar cookers and Wonderboxes (heat-retention cookers).
  • Future Prospect of CDM Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1, Indonesia - Proposal for continued funding for the Aceh 1 solar and heat-retention cooking project
  • A Brief Assessment of the CDM Solar Cooker Project at Aceh, Indonesia - Recent proposal for funding for the Aceh project, Tech Monitor May-Jun 2007
  • Can Clean Development Mechanism is used to finance a project that exerting efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals? - short paper describing a project in Kupang, Indonesia, to introduce the Cook Stove SAVE80 and heat retention cooker
  • Sun Cooking is the Best Practice in Indonesia - ISESCO Science and Technology Vision, Volume 1, May 2005 (69-75)
  • Green Stove Dissemination via Community Education to Face Firewood Scarcity and Financing Possiblity through C-Trading - Proposal to supplement a "LPG to replace kerosene for cooking" project in Indonesia with high-efficiency Green Stoves (rocket-style stoves).
  • Professor Suharta's PhD Thesis Reference List

Herliyani Suharta is one of “The Best Hundred Indonesian Female Researchers”. The book was published by The Ministry for Women Empowerment in cooperate with The Ministry for Cultural and Education and Komisi Nasional Indonesia for UNESCO, 22 December 2010.

Herliyani Suharta is the Member of Solar Cooker International (SCI) Association, Sacramento, California, USA. Since 2010, she was assigned for Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.

More reading (some can be retrieved)[]

  • August 2014: Reducing Biomass and Kerosene Used For Cooking in Indonesia, in supporting the global efforts to reduce CO2 Emission - Herliyani Suharta and A.M. Sayigh
  • Herliyani Suharta (1994) “Oven Matahari, Prospeknya dalam Mengatasi Masalah Lingkungan dan Kelangkaan Energi untuk Memasak”, Prosiding Simposium Fisika Jakarta 1994, PSPKR BATAN, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Herliyani Suharta (1995) “Technology Transfer of Solar Oven in West Nusa Tenggara Province Indonesia”, Proceeding International Symposium on Energy, Environment and Economic, Colville E.J. (ed), TRANSACTIONS, Research Publ. Ltd, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia,  371-376.
  • Herliyani Suharta (1995; 1996;1997; 1998) “Indonesian Sun Cooking, Expedition Briefing", Dipromosikan secara luas oleh Earthwatch Institute Head Quartered, 680 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Herliyani Suharta (1995) “Alternatif Energi untuk Kebutuhan Memasak dan Kebijaksanaan Energi yang diperlukan di Masa Mendatang”,  Lokakarya 50 Tahun Kemerdekaan, thema “Integrasi Kepentingan Wanita Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan”, Kantor Men. UPW, Cisarua, Indonesia, 4-7 Desember 1995.
  • Herliyani Suharta and D. Fahrudin, “Solar Oven, The Alternative Solution of Fuelwood Shortage for Cooking in Remote & Barren Area in Indonesia”, in Indonesia Sun Cooking Expedition Briefing (1996, 1997, 1998), Earthwatch Institute, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Herliyani Suharta (1996) “Penelitian Unjuk Kerja Oven Matahari Untuk Memasak dan Alih Teknologinya”, Prosiding Seminar Fisika 1996, KIM LIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Herliyani Suharta, Parangtopo and A.M. Sayigh (1996) “Solar Oven, Design, and Its Field Testing in West Lombok Regency, Indonesia”, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Congress Denver, USA, vol. II, Sayigh A.M. (ed), Pergamon Press. , 749-753.
  • Herliyani Suharta, PD’ Sena, A.M. Sayigh and Komarudin (1998) “The Social Acceptability of Solar Cooking in Indonesia”, the Journal of Renewable Energy 16 (1999) 1151 - 1154, A.M. Sayigh (ed) Pergamon Press, UK.
  • Herliyani Suharta, K. Abdullah and A. Sayigh (1998) “The Solar Oven: Development and Field Testing of User - Made  Designs in Indonesia”, the Journal of Solar Energy, vol 64 Nos 4-6, 121-132, 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd, Pergamon Press, UK.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A. Sayigh, K. Abdullah and K. Mathew (1999) “The Comparison of Three Types of Indonesian Solar Cookers”, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Congress, Perth, Australia, 493-498.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A. Sayigh, K. Abdullah and K. Mathew (1999) “The revision: The Comparison of Three Types of Indonesian Solar Cookers", the Journal of Renewable Energy 22, 2001, Issues 1-3, p.379-387
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh, Komaruddin and K. Abdullah (1999) “An Educational Approach in a Cross Cultural  Context to Promote Solar Cookers in Indonesia”, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Congress, Juni 1999, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 265-270.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh and Kamaruddin Abdullah (2000) “The Solar Cooker HS5521 and HS5921 Tested in Indonesia”, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Congress, 1-7 Juli 2000, Brighton, UK.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh and Kamaruddin Abdullah (2000) “Simulation To Design Indonesian Solar Cooker Type HS Using The Energy Profiles Information”, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Congress, 1-7 Juli 2000, Brighton, UK.
  • Peter D’Sena and Herliyani Suharta, (2000) “An Example of Two-Way Developmental Education in Design Technology: some preliminary findings of the benefits to eco-tourists from the west and villagers from central and eastern Indonesia of building simple solar ovens” Proceeding of the International Design and Technology (IDATER) Conference, Loughborough Universiy, UK.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh and Kamaruddin Abdullah, (2000) “Geometrical Consideration as A Simple Approach in Designing Solar Cooker Type HS”, Proceeding of China International Environment, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Conference (CERE) 2000, 28 Nopember - 1 Desember 2000, Beijing,  P.R.China.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh (2002), "GLOBAL SUN COOKING PROGRAM", presented orally in the World Renewable Energy Network Meeting in Brighton, UK,    4 December 2002.
  • Herliyani et al. (2002) "Global Solar Cooker Program", Solar Best Practice Group of  International Multistake Holder Forum Based in Britain as input for World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), Johannesburg, South Africa, 23 August - 5 September 2002.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh, S.H. Nasser and C. Scrivener (2002), "Socio - economic and environmental impact of sun cooking  and further approaches for dissemination solar cooker in Indonesia", Proc. World Renewable Energy Conggress VII, Cologne, Germany, July 2002 in CD version.
  • Herliyani Suharta, Indrayati Subagyo, Taufic Abdullah and Wati Maryunani (2002), "Solar Box Cooker Dissemination in Indonesia", Report of the UNESCO Regional Meeting , New Delhi, India.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh, S.H. Nasser and K. Abdullah (2002), "Test procedure of solar box cooker type HS, the oven chamber materials and a performance analysis uses the oven temperature information", Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Conggress VII, Cologne, Germany, July 2002 in CD version.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh and S.H. Nasser (2003), "Observing The Gender Condition During Training Technology Transfer of Solar Oven In Indonesia", Proceeding of the International symposium & exhibition in Renewable Energy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Herliyani Suharta, A.M. Sayigh and S.H. Nasser (2003), "Field test of Solar Box Cooker Type HS5921, HS6021 and HS6321", Proceeding Int. Symposium & Exhibition in Renewable Energy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Herliyani Suharta, Margaret Gauthama dan Nadirah (2003), Mengimplementasikan Kesetaraan Gender Melalui Pelatihan Alih Teknologi Oven Matahari, presented in the meeting to discuss gender mainstreaming sponsored by the Ministry Office for Women’s Roles of Indonesia, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 May 2003.
  • Herliyani Suharta (2003), Desain Oven Matahari dan Alih Teknologinya: suatu pendidikan masyarakat bernuansa kesetaraan gender dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, was submitted to PATI PUSAT, the promoter for PII Engineering Award, Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2003.
    This paper is distributed to the participants of Energy and Renewable Energy Training sponsored by Department of Energy and Natural Resources of Indonesia and UPT LSDE, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11-15 August 2003.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh and S.H. Nasser (2004), “Sun Cooking: the best practice in Indonesia”, Proceeding of International Conference on Fuel Conservation in Building, Teheran, Iran, 17-18 Feb. 2004.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh and S.H. Nasser (2004), Comparing a Way to Calculate the Heat Loss Coefficient of Solar Flat Plate Collector, Proceeding the World Renewable Energy Congress 2004, Denver USA, 28 August - 3 September 2004.
  • Herliyani Suharta,  A.M. Sayigh and S.H. Nasser  (2004), “Solar Box Cooker Designed for Indonesian Islands and the Impact of Sun Cooking”, Proceeding of the International Seminar on Solar Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-7 October 2004.
  • Herliyani Suharta, OO Abdul Rosyid and AAM Sayigh (2005), “CLEAR CLOUDY SKY BORDERS DEVIDE INDONESIA IN THREE REGIONS BASED ON THE LEVEL OF INCOMING SOLAR IRRADIATION, Proceeding of the World Renewable Energy Regional Conggres and Exhibition 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia, 18-21 April 2005.
  • Herliyani Suharta and Ali Sayigh (2005), “Cooking With The Sun”, RENEWABLE ENERGY 2005, An official publication of the World Renewable Energy Network – affiliated to UNESCO, Sovereign Publications Ltd, London, UK, 64-68
  • Herliyani Suharta, Ali Sayigh and S.H.Nasser (2005), “Sun Cooking: the best practice in Indonesia", oleh, ISESCO Science and Technology Vision,  The official journal of ISESCO Center for Promotion of Scientific Research, Vol.1 Number 1, May 2005, p.69-75.
  • Herliyani Suharta et al. (2006) “Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1, Indonesia”, Proceeding of Solar Cookers and Food Processing International Conference, 12 – 16 July 2006, Granada, Spain.
  • Dieter Seifert, Herliyani Suharta, D.Gadhia, J.Anderson, M.Vílchez (2006), “Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – a Powerful Instrument to Fulfil the UN Millenium Goals - Experiences, Visions and Suggestions“ Proceeding of Solar Cookers and Food Processing International Conference, 12 – 16 July 2006, Granada, Spain.
  • Herliyani Suharta, Dieter Seifert, AAM Sayigh and K. Mathew (2006), “Cook Stove SAVE80 for Clean Development Mechanism Project Kupang 1, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia”, Proceeding the World Renewable Energy Congress, 5-8 February 2007, Perth, Australia.
  • Herliyani Suharta and AAM Sayigh (2007) “Can Clean Development Mechanism is used to finance a project that exerting efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals?”, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi, B2TE, vol. 1, no. 4, Februari 2007, 67-77. ISSN 1858–3466, Jakarta, Indonesia.
    Previously in the Proceeding WRERCE 2007, Grand Hyatt, 4-7 November 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Herliyani Suharta (2008) “Berbagai Briket Sampah Alam Untuk Bahan Bakar Tungku Hemat Energi (THE) S1 dan S2”, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi, Vol.1, No.6, Pebruari 2008,  42-57. ISSN 1858–3466, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Herliyani Suharta (2009) “FUTURE PROSPECT OF CDM Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1, Indonesia”, Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Energi, Vol.1, No.8, Februari 2009, 1-15. ISSN 1858–3466, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Herliyani Suharta (2009) “Brief Assessment on CDM Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1, Indonesia”, submitted to Asia Pacific Tech Monitor (a web-based, on-line bi-monthly journal featuring articles on different aspects of technology development and transfer), The United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (UN-APCTT), New Delhi, India. 
  • Herliyani Suharta and Ali Sayigh (2011) ”Questions related to Reduced Emission From Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Suggested Solutions”, ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology - Volume 7, No.12, November.2011, 40-50.
    Previously in the Proceeding the World Renewable Energy Congress XI, 25-30 September 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Emirate Arab.
  • Herliyani Suharta and AM. Sayigh (2012), “Green Stove Dissemination via Community Education to Face Firewood Scarcity and Financing Possibility Through C-Trading“, ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology - Volume 8, Number 14 (November 2012) (70-85).
    A direct link to the article: Green Stove Dissemination via Community Education to Face Firewood Scarcity and Financing Possibility Through C-Trading - Herliyani Suharta and Ali Sayigh

See also[]