Solar Cooking
Last edited: 23 December 2024      
COP29 logo, 12-17-24

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the annual meeting of nations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where global strategies to address climate change are negotiated. Solar cooking can play a vital role in these efforts by utilizing sunlight to prepare food, reducing reliance on wood, charcoal, or fossil fuels. This not only lowers greenhouse gas emissions but also combats deforestation and indoor air pollution, aligning with the sustainability goals championed at COP.

Solar Cookers International hosted a number of side events and shared a booth for four days with the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) at this year's COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. They both advocate for clean energy solutions that empower communities worldwide. SCI representatives included Program and Science Director Alan Bigelow Ph.D., Strategic Partnerships Manager Keith Wingeard, and Program Officer Dr. Stephane Villatte. Below are interviews and panel discussions they participated in. Photo credits: SCI

Brahma Kumaris image, 12-17-24

Emissions pathway image, 12-17-24

AZTV interveiw image, 12-17-24

Central African Republic video image, 12-17-24
Gender perspectives image, 12-17-24

Kenyan case study image, 12-17-24

UN collab image, 12-17-24

SCI showcases Solar Clean Energy, 12-23-24
SCI Highlights Solar Cooking, 12-23-24

See also[]