Solar Cooking
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Top News

February 2025

Deepak Gadhia image, 2-12-25
Deepak Gadhia explains how solar thermal provides energy for cooking, cooling, and heating at the Muni Seva Ashram in India
Kakuma box ovens 1, 5-7-25
Organized by Solar Cookers International and implemented by collaborator Eco-Impact Hub CBO, 124 solar box cookers have been manufactured for families at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya
Haines Pop Open Solar Cooker diagram
Haines Solar Cookers selected to provide 6,000 solar cookers to Darfur refugees living in Chad at the Touloum Refugee Camp in partnership with FairClimateFund
RSFP 1, 2-5-25
Located in Madhya Pradesh, India, Raheja Solar Food Processing Pvt. Ltd. (RSFP) is contributing to positive change within the agricultural sector, helping regional farmers avoid food loss by providing solar dyers and guidance
January 2025

SCI logo, 1-25-25
“Cooking with the Sun in the Central African Republic and Mali,” a joint initiative between Solar Cookers International and the United Nations Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Sanu S. 1, 1-16-25
Sanu Kaji Shrestha receives award of recognition from Glocal Private Limited in Nepal
EG-Solar Dareda 1, 1-3-25
EG-Solar provides a review of solar cooker and improved-combustion wood stove construction classes they created in the Dareda and Mwanza regions of Tanzania
December 2024

V2SDF logo, 12-28-24
The Vet to Stop Deforestation (V2SDF) project is training Burundi residents to build and use solar cookers to create a sustainable economy and reduce deforestation
AZ solar video, 12-27-24
Arizona, USA, residents show how solar cooking is part of their everyday lives
COP29 logo, 12-17-24
Solar Cookers International hosts a number of side events, and participates in group forums at this year's COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, see the presentations on-demand
CONSOLFOOD 2025 logo, 4-28-24
The deadline for receipt of CONSOLFOOD2025 abstracts has been extended through 25 January 2025
Woman with parabolic cooker, 12-9-24
Policy tweak can help upscale solar cooking in India, says global advocacy group (interview with Solar Cookers International's Science Director Alan Bigelow, Ph.D. at COP29)
Women empowerment image, 12-4-24
Solar energy is revolutionizing agriculture and household life by offering sustainable and cost-effective solutions in India, particularly benefiting rural women


Featured international events[]

SEforAll logo, 7-25-24
  • 12-14 March 2025 (Bridgetown, Barbados): Sustainable Energy for All Global Forum - Building on Prime Minister Mottley’s Bridgetown Initiative for the reform of development finance, the Forum will address the challenge of how we can mobilize sufficient finance on the right terms to meet global goals, especially for the most underserved communities, countries and regions – such as Small Island Developing States. The event wil be co-hosted by Sustainable Energy for All and the Government of Barbados, led by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. Project site visits will take place Friday, 14 March. More information...
CONSOLFOOD 2025 logo, 4-28-24
  • NEW: CONSOLFOOD 2025, 5-7 May 2025, (Marseille, France) - Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing The gathering expects to attract, once again, top experts from all over the world to present and discuss topics related to advances in solar food processing and solar cooking. An exhibition of solar cookers will be available for viewing during the conference at the nearby the solar restaurant Le Présage. The solar restaurant, along with the demonstration cookers, will produce a solar lunch. The whole conference program will be delivered in hybrid format, so those who register, but are not present at Marseille, will be able to participate online. Contact Celestino Ruivo at for more information. The expected conference fee is 200 euros before 1 April 2025. Interested people facing financial difficulties should contact the organizing committee.

Online events[]

Global Makers poster, 1-30-25

All country events[]


SEforAll logo, 7-25-24
  • 12-14 March 2025 (Bridgetown, Barbados): Sustainable Energy for All Global Forum - Building on Prime Minister Mottley’s Bridgetown Initiative for the reform of development finance, the Forum will address the challenge of how we can mobilize sufficient finance on the right terms to meet global goals, especially for the most underserved communities, countries and regions – such as Small Island Developing States. The event wil be co-hosted by Sustainable Energy for All and the Government of Barbados, led by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley. Project site visits will take place Friday, 14 March. More information...


CONSOLFOOD 2025 logo, 4-28-24
  • NEW: CONSOLFOOD 2025, 5-7 May 2025, (Marseille, France) - Advances in Solar Thermal Food Processing The gathering expects to attract, once again, top experts from all over the world to present and discuss topics related to advances in solar food processing and solar cooking. An exhibition of solar cookers will be available for viewing during the conference at the nearby the solar restaurant Le Présage. The solar restaurant, along with the demonstration cookers, will produce a solar lunch. The whole conference program will be delivered in hybrid format, so those who register, but are not present at Marseille, will be able to participate online. Contact Celestino Ruivo at for more information. The expected conference fee is 200 euros before 1 April 2025. Interested people facing financial difficulties should contact the organizing committee.


EG-Solar poster, 2-3-25
  • NEW: 31 March- 4 April 2025 (Altötting, Germany): Solar cooker construction course - Sponsored by EG Solar e.V.. Participants learn how the new SK14 is manufactured and assembled with simple tools, and then how to cook naturally with the sun. Each participant gets professional instruction in building their own solar cooker type SK 14 shown in their poster. More information...


Solar Cuernavaca poster 2, 4-5-24 copy
  • First Sunday of the month (Cuernavaca, Morelos): Cuernavaca Solar Cooking and Solar Drying Club - The club meets the first Sunday of the month for solar cooking, 11:00am - 2:00pm. You can bring ingredients and utensils to cook with the sun and share sunny food at the end. San Miguel Ecological Park Acapantzingo, Av. Atlacomulco No.14, Acapantzinga, 62448 Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. If you like to bring materials to build your solar kitchen or solar dryer, we will send you the plans and list of materials by mail.

Awards and grants[]

Several small grant programs without deadlines for application are listed below. For information on how to develop a funding application, with a complete list of other funding sources see: Raising funds through grants and donations. Awards programs will be added as they are announced.

  • Climate Adaptation Challenge Fund: The Mastercard Foundation Fund for Resilience and Prosperity will run competitive challenges or calls for proposals aimed at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that show the potential to create work opportunities for young women and men, young people living with disabilities or refugee youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Fund will run these challenges across three sectors to establish a robust portfolio of innovative SMEs as they create work opportunities in SSA. The Climate Adaptation Fund will launch in 2025 and be open for nine months. Details of the challenge will be provided at a later stage. More information...
  • Roddenberry Catalyst Fund: Applications accepted anytime (EN) - The Catalyst Fund is geared towards small and/or early-stage ideas and projects that need a capital infusion to launch or prove viability. Catalyst awardees are typically piloting a program, venturing into new territory, on the cusp of launching, or pivoting in a new direction. The Catalyst Fund makes grants between $2,500–$15,000 to anyone, anywhere in the world addressing pressing global challenges. You can have 25 years of experience or be just starting out. You can be working alone, with a team, as part of a non-profit organization, a social enterprise, or a for-profit corporation. See the following link for more information:
  • LUSH Charity Pot Grants: Applications accepted anytime (EN/FR/ES) - Charity Pot grants support small, grassroots organizations in North America and around the world that are working on the root cause of issues and creating long-term sustainable change. [They] support organizations working in areas of animal protection, environmental justice, and human rights....Applications are submitted via an online granting system asking about your organization’s purpose, main activities, governance structure and annual revenue. Additionally, a description of the project that you’re seeking funding for is requested along with an itemized budget, timeline and how the project’s success will be measured. Our support ranges from a few thousand dollars to a maximum of $15,000 per project. Applications available in English, French, and Spanish. See the following link for more information:
  • GEF Small Grants Programme: Applications accepted anytime (EN) - SGP grants are made directly to community-based organizations (CBOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in recognition of the key role they play as a resource and constituency for environment and development concerns. The maximum grant amount per project is US$50,000, but averages around US$25,000. In this way, SGP complements the large and medium-sized GEF project funding by providing a window for the direct participation of NGOs, local communities, and other grassroots organizations. How to apply..., and find your national coordinator

See also[]

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New content

February 2025

January 2025

December 2024

For older news, events, and new-content log, please see the Solar cooking news archive.
